45: Jie'er was popular

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The emperor was in front of Tang Shen with a solemn expression though to others it's always solemn.

"Your majesty" bowed



The emperor almost forgot this isn't Xian he can't understand him when he just say one word.

"How do you coax your wife"

(Dude you couldn't asked a more wrong person somebody hold me I'm going to kill the general there's no way his going to corrupt my Xiao Zihao 🔨🔨⛏⛏)

"Coax .... my wife?" Tang Shen was confused

Zihao would have as Xian but he disappeared as soon as he recovered.

The general smirk

"Are you going coax your wife?"

The emperor nods.

"How to coax Ning Jie let me think Jie'er likes fun and is very naughty all you need to do is flirt shamelessly and teased him" he said.

Back at the academy Ning jie loved reading smut and often him and Ning jie hide and secretly read it back then the general had a small crush on his cousin and would follow him it was through Ning jie he got to meet his fiance.

Jie'er was the most beautiful and popular person in the in the academy there was almost no one who didn't have a crush on him regardless of gender.

But no one had tickled his fancy until the emperor even if he wasn't aware of it Ning jie yearned for the emperor until he realized his feelings at 16 two years after meeting the emperor Tang Shen back then was envious of the maybe in some part of him he still is after all Ning jie was everyone's favorite person.

The general was 3 years older than Ning jie there marriage could be allowed since their distant cousin and not close in blood they don't have enough to say branch because to simply put it Tang Shen was the cousin of a cousin's child.

"Right he loves competition"

But the big issue is he doesn't know how to flirt back then who did the flirt was Ning jie and not him.

"Anyway I best be getting back to that wife of mine and fill his insides maybe this time he'll break?"


The emperor attention was attracted.

"Oh I guess I should have asked you since you've barely express yourself but your imperial majesty what do I need to do to break my wife" he asked sadistically,


The emperor felt uneasy

"Well you see my wife barely shows me how he feels his like you but different his no different from an unemotional doll so I want to break the toy" he confessed.

No wonder the emperor seems uneasy he then shakes his head.

"No don't do that" the emperor said

"But he won't show me show me what I want you have an awesome wife but sometimes I feel like I'm married to an inanimate object" he said.

The emperor was getting angry it wasn't his wife but he felt upset his adopted parents had thought him to respect his spouse no matter who he or she was and thinking of them as an object was a clear violation of that.

"That's wrong" the emperor said

"Your imperial majesty I mean no offense when I say this but it's none of your business"

The emperor paused he was right his parents also thought him not to interfere in others business but then again.

"Thank you" the emperor said


The emperor knows how to approach Ning jie now he can't interfere because it's none of his business but what about Jie'er.

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