48: ShuShu

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A crowd gather at the gates at the general's mansion there were several dead bodies all was puzzled and wanted to know what happened these were Tang warriors how could the be so easily defeated this was a shame.

The man who was sitting on the top of the gate drink down the last dropped of wine then gently floated down he looked around and saw the state Zheng Chi's was in.

"You really are very unfortunate" he said

"Y-your okay" he said tirely

"Not exactly my home was burned down" he said

The general frowns.

"Your the one who touched my wife" the general argued

"Wife? I don't see a wife any where are you his wife?" He asked Jie'er

"I'd rather be tortured a thousand years and die a thousand more times than married this bastard" Jie'er sneered.

"I don't see a wife then" the man said

The general grabbed Zheng Chi by the hair and showed him to the man Jie'er was gonna attack but the man stop him which infuriated him.

"Wait little fox but this pray is mine you can steal him later" the man said

Jie'er looked at the man from just a glance he could tell what type of cultivation he was practicing yet he can't see through this man one bit.

"Who are you?! This is none of your business" Jie'er said

"But it is little fox after all he did burned down my home" he said

"You dared touch my wife how much I not supposed be angry" Tang Shen said

The man only smiled annoying Shen some more.

"Ah I know what my compensation will be"

In a split second a huge thrust came on the back of the general causing him to fly in the grown scrapings his skin.

Jie'er was shocked when did the man move he had Zheng Chi gently in his arms he tilt his head slowly behind him witnessing too innocent creatures then turned to general.

"As compensation I'll take your family Tang forget that name" he said.

"Who the hell are you doing something like this meaning to oppose the emperor" Tang Shen yelled

"You think I'm afraid of a mere emperor Hmp" he said

Zheng Chi grabbed the man's clothes

"N-no please N-no" Zheng Chi begged

Instead of listening to his cries he put the him to sleep Jie'er attack after him but he easily dodged with Zheng Chi in his arms.

"Give me back my friend!" He yelled

"Young fox your actions are starting to annoy be I'll become offended if you keep this up" the man said in a warning tone

Tang Shen too joined the fight and backed in a corner both was gonna attack when suddenly the emperor grabbed Jie's sword and redirected it and kicked the general away breaking a few ribs.

The emperor held Jie'er down tying him with the magical ribbon he always carried around.

"Wei Zihao! Why did you get in my way" Jie'er yelled

He hold Jie'er in his arms Ning jie couldn't break free he almost forgot that this ribbon bind his powers Zihao walked not daring to look back.

"Xiao Zihao are you not going to say hello" the man said smiling

Zihao ignored him.

"Xiao Zihao?! Who is that man"

"Who am I? Hmp I'm Xiao Zihao's uncle that's who I am"

The emperor sighed and finally turned around.

"You could have harm Jie'er" he said coldly

"Angry I didn't know it's your wife" the man said

"What do you want"

"Xiao Zihao is that how you talk to your uncle after I've spent so many years feeding you where did my shushu go" he teases.

Jie'er looked at the emperor he can't imagine him saying something like that.

"....... shushu"

"Now that's better Oh by the way can I take care of that bug over there"

"It's Jie'er prey you can't"

"Ah I see"

Jie'er couldn't get over the cute nickname was the emperor always bullied by everyone he thought he was the only on who liked to tease the emperor but as it turns out his other family too like to tease him Jie'er struggle for a while then suddenly and idea popped up in his mind and Jie'er smiled mischievously.

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