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After his nap, Minho woke up big and sleepily tightened his arms around Jisung's waist, yawning softly. His eyes were still closed when the rapper ran his hand through the other's hair and lightly scratched his ears. Feeling more than comfortable where he was, Minho didn't hold himself back and purred softly. Usually, he'd avoid doing that when he was big but he knew Jisung didn't mind and he simply felt like voicing his contentment. The younger chuckled and continued to stroke the hybrid's ears, when the other suddenly sat up startled. It had taken a while for him to wake up enough to remember their earlier conversation. Muscles tensing, Minho turned to Jisung and whispered: "You think we're mates?" The rapper nodded, reaching for his hyung's hand. "Yeah, I think so. I really, really like you and the thought of you ever finding your mate and leaving me for them was unbearable. When you were feeling low that night, I could tell. It was like I could feel what you felt and I knew I needed to get to you as fast as I could. That's why I think we're connected on a deeper level", Jisung explained, making the hybrid's heart race.

Being able to tell when the other needed them was one of the most distinctive characteristics of a relationship between mates. Minho knew he liked Jisung and would never want to share the rapper. He could easily tell when the younger got anxious. Was it really possible for the two to be mates? It was rare but not impossible. "You okay?", Jisung asked nervously, when the hybrid had been quiet for too long. Fiddling with the pacifier in his hands, Minho nodded and hummed: "You know, I feel the same about you. It's just- I'm scared, you know. What if you turn out to not be my mate? I'm already so attached to you and I can't imagine what it'd be like to find out that there's someone else I'm supposed to be with forever, when the only one I'd ever want to be with is you." - "I'm scared about that too. Scared of someone stepping up to take you from me", Jisung whispered, "Is there anyway to find out for sure?"

Minho remained quiet. There was a way to tell for sure if they were mates but if they turned out not to be, it would be unbearably awkward afterwards and would probably also take a toll on their friendship, which was something the hybrid couldn't risk. In case they weren't mates, he wanted to at least be able to keep Jisung as a friend. "Hyung, you're scaring me", the younger frowned, "With how long you're thinking, there has to be a way to confirm this." - "I guess there is", Minho admitted hesitantly, "I just don't think that now is there right time for it." Furrowing his brows, Jisung nodded. He tried to make assumptions how they could figure out their relationship but only got more worried. Heaving a sigh, the rapper decided to wait and maybe ask Felix about it the next time he got the chance, if Minho still hadn't told him by then.

"What should we do with the rest of the day then?", Jisung asked, trying to distract himself from the suspense. He'd have to get back to the studio tomorrow and Felix had told him the dance rooms would be open again too, so they should enjoy the time they had together before they both had to work again. Minho shrugged, placing the paci onto the nightstand, announcing: "I'm fine with anything if it's with you." - "Alright, let's go to a high rope course", Jisung laughed, earning himself a slap on the shoulder. Giving him a mischievous look, the older smiled: "Let's watch a horror movie." - "Hyuuung, noooo", the rapper whined, grabbing a pillow and pulling it over his head before hitting Minho with it. The older brought his arms up to shield his head and face from the pillow attack, laughing: "You brought this onto yourself, shorty." - "You did not just?!", Jisung gasped, lowering the pillow.

There was a moment of silence as Minho gave him a challenging look, smiling innocently: "What if I did?" The rapper was stunned by his hyung's savageness, as he hadn't seen this side of him before. "Oh, you will regret that", Jisung promised, lifting the pillow back up and attacking the hybrid more viciously. Laughing loudly, Minho first tried to shield himself before picking up a pillow himself and fighting back. What the rapper hadn't taken into consideration was that his hyung had a clear advantage being a hybrid. His reflexes were much faster, allowing him to duck away when Jisung swung the pillow at him. To make the rapper struggle more, Minho wrapped his tail around the other's right wrist, forcing the younger to defend himself with his non-dominant hand only. Seeing that he was too uncoordinated to fight back with his left hand, Jisung dropped the pillow and instead poked his index finger into Minho's side. The hybrid gasped, shielding himself with the pillow which made the younger smile. He hadn't known about Minho being ticklish but now that he did, he was surely going to take advantage of it.

An exhausting tickle war ensued, causing both of them to lose their breaths but neither of them were willing to give up. As they wrestled each other on the bed, Minho got too close to the edge, losing his balance and almost falling off. Jisung was quick to try and catch him, not wanting the older to get hurt. He did manage to catch Minho but the result was him losing his balance too, sending both off them to the ground. Minho landing on his back with Jisung falling on top of him, their faces suddenly much closer as their lips ended up brushing against the other's. The rapper's eyes widened at the static tingling in his lips almost scrambling back up instantly if it wasn't for Minho to tighten his arms around the younger's waist, tearing up. He knew exactly what the tingling meant and couldn't help but break into tears when the heavens seemed to have heard his prayers. Feeling the hybrid's chest hitch with a sob, Jisung stilled his movement and remained on top of the older. He doubted he would've been able to get up if he wanted to with how tight Minho held onto him, so he relaxed and buried his face into the crook of his hyung's neck.

He had let the older cry for a few minutes before pulling away and cupping Minho's cheeks, humming: "Why are you crying, hyung?" - "Yo-You", the hybrid choked out, "You're really my mate." At that, Jisung's heart started to race. "So, a kiss on the lips?", he asked quietly and Minho nodded. A shy smile played around the younger's lips as he admitted: "I'm so glad it's you. That was actually my first kiss." - "Mine too", Minho whispered, breathing in the rapper's scent, "Just so you know, you're mine now and trust me, I'm not going to share you." - "Bold of you to assume you're the one making the rules", Jisung laughed, "I'm the one not sharing you, so don't even try to get away." The hybrid looked at him with his brows raised, challenging: "I'm your hyung." - "Well, I'm your daddy", Jisung pointed out, making the older turn bright red as he rolled off of him, so they laid side by side on the floor. Minho covered his flushed face, whining: "No, Sungie, just no." - "Hm?", the younger hummed innocently, "Am I wrong though?"

It took some time for the blush to leave the hybrid's face and when it did, he laughed: "We should probably clean up the bed if we want to sleep in there tonight." - "What, you don't like your nest anymore? I thought it was cozy", Jisung chuckled. Rolling his eyes at the younger, Minho agreed: "Yes, it was cozy but since you had to start a pillow fight, it's ruined." - "You are well aware that you were the one causing it", the rapper sassed, still not over the tease. Minho had already gotten up, collecting the numerous hoodies and sweaters from the bed to throw them in the wash as he teased: "I have no idea what you're talking about, Sung." Giving the older an offended look, Jisung got to his feet and helped the older separate clothes from blankets.

While Minho took the clothes to the bathroom and started the wash, the rapper made the bed and headed to the kitchen to get them both a drink. He still couldn't believe that Minho was really truly his and had to resist to kiss him again to make sure, when the older exited the bathroom. Blushing lightly, Jisung handed the hybrid his drink and the two made their way to the living room couch. "You know, since we're working again tomorrow, you are always welcome to stop by at the studio, no matter how busy we are, hyung", the rapper reminded, not wanting his mate to feel abandoned again. Minho nodded, knowing what the younger was hinting at, and leaned into the other's side, a faint smile still on his lips. He had finally found his mate.

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