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Minho slowly felt better as the hours passed, yet he still stayed close by Jisung's side. The rapper didn't mind the extra snuggles, wanting to keep his kitten with him after barely seeing him for a while despite living together. At some point, Jisung turned on a random documentary channel, so they could have some background noise. "How're you feeling now, prince?", he asked softly, scratching his mate's ears. Minho lightly shrugged his shoulders. He didn't feel like he had to be sick anymore and the cramps had improved a lot but his tummy still had that weird, icky feeling, that told him he did not want to eat anything anytime soon. "Dada needs to use the bathroom. Will you be okay for a moment? I'll grab you your blanket on the way back, I promise", Jisung asked, afraid he'd find the hybrid in worse shape when he returned. Minho gave a shy nod. He could probably last a few minutes now, only if he got his blanket as a reward though.

Jisung tried to be as quick as possible and as promised brought Minho his baby blanket on the way back. The little instantly crawled back into Jisung's lap and nosed at his neck, deeply inhaling the rapper's scent. Rubbing Minho's back, the other worried: "You feeling sick again?" It tickled his neck when the hybrid shook his head. "Nuh-uh, chu smeww goowd", Minho admitted a little flustered. "I do?", Jisung asked surprised, "Thank you, kitten. Oh, look! There are other, big kittens on the TV." The boy curiously turned around in Jisung's lap and watched a bunch of tiger cubs bother their parents. He giggled lightly as he turned to his mate. "Rawr", Minho smiled and pulled his sleeve over his hand to pat Jisung's chest with his sweater paw. The rapper widened his eyes, pretending to be shocked. He was seriously shocked though, when Minho sank his teeth into his shoulder. Pressing a kiss to the little's temple, Jisung cooed: "Are you hungry, kitten?" The hybrid vigorously shook his head, not hungry in the slightest and not willing to eat anything even if he did end up hungry at some point.

"Somebody's being silly", Jisung chuckled when Minho growled at his blanket like it was prey. Eventually, the boy slipped deeper and went non-verbal as he snuggled closer to his dada. When the rapper glanced down at Minho, the little was staring up at him with big eyes. As they made eye contact, Minho's eyes slowly closed before opening again, making Jisung coo: "Is my kitten getting sleepy?" The hybrid only pouted. His dada didn't get it. While the rapper tilted his head in confusion, Minho slowly blinked at him again. "Sleepy kitten", Jisung chuckled, pecking his mate's cheek. Minho only pouted harder as he cuddled into the other's chest. He had been napping for quite a while. He wasn't sleepy, yet he didn't find it in himself to use his words and just nuzzled into his caregiver.

The pair continued to watch wildlife documentaries for a while as they cuddled on the couch. While Minho barely paid attention, instead kneading his baby blanket in his hands, Jisung started to actively try to learn something when the topic changed to cats. And boy, did he learn something.... Apparently, cats showed their love by slow blinking while maintaining eye contact and Jisung realized, Minho wasn't sleepy, he was whipped! Cooing softly, the rapper pressed a gentle kiss to Minho's head. Curious, the little looked up at him and while locking eyes, Jisung slowly closed his eyes before opening them to his mate's wide smile. He couldn't deny it, he was whipped too.

"What are we going to do with your snacks now?", Jisung asked softly, glancing at the small pile on the coffee table. Minho cringed at the thought, burying his face in the rapper's sweater, muttering: "Make 'em go 'way." - "You want me to put them away, kitten?", Jisung hummed, stroking his mate's back. The hybrid nodded. He really didn't want them anytime soon and had avoided looking at them the entire time. Carefully shifting Minho out of his lap, the other smiled: "I'll only be a minute." Jisung quickly gathered all the snacks up and carried them to the kitchen. Opening one of the cabinets, the rapper pushed them to the far back and hurried to get back to Minho.

Once their documentary ended, the lingering nausea had faded and Minho was growing tired once again. Patting the hybrid's head, Jisung offered: "If you want, dada could run you a warm bubble bath. Help this kitten relax a little before we can go to bed and have some more cuddles." - "Buh Minnie wan cuddwes now", the little pouted, clutching his baby blanket. Tapping one finger against his lips, the rapper mused: "Dada could massage your scalp and ears when he washes your hair. Wouldn't it be nice to wash off the sweat before going to bed? Or would you rather sleep sticky?" - "Nuh wike shticky", Minho complained but he also didn't like having to let go of his caregiver. He had gotten so much more attached to his mate's scent, so having to give that up even for just a few minutes was not something he'd easily agree to. Plus, what if the other forced him to put on his own clothes afterwards?

Minho thought for a few minutes before inquiring: "Minnie weaw dada cwothes aftew bath time?" - "Oh, you didn't want to remove the sweater you're wearing?", Jisung chuckled, lightly tugging on the fabric. Swatting at his hand, the hybrid hissed: "Ish mine now!" - "Okay, okay", his caregiver laughed, "We can go and pick out another one for you to wear after your bath. How does that sound?" - "Wan' dada sweatew", Minho insisted, wrapping his arms around Jisung's neck when the rapper picked him up and carried him to the bedroom. Placing the boy on the bed, Jisung agreed: "Let's see. There, you can choose any of my sweaters." - "Nuh!", the little whined, pointing at his mate, "Da!" The rapper furrowed his brows, trying to figure out what Minho wanted. "Wan' dada sweatew", the hybrid repeated, pointing at his caregiver more urgently. Glancing down his own body, Jisung guessed: "Kitten, are you- are you talking about the one I'm wearing right now?" Minho nodded, pointing at it again. "Alright, let's run you your bubble bath and while you're taking your bath, dada will change into something else, so you can have this one", the rapper sighed, trying to hide the fond smile that tugged at his lips.

While Jisung started the bath for Minho, the little sat on the bathroom rug, hugging his caregiver's leg. Jisung couldn't really move much that way but he doubted his mate would like letting go of him even if he asked, so he just tried to make the best of it and move as little as possible. Once the tub had filled, the rapper bent down and patted Minho's head, cooing: "You ready, kitten? Come on, it's all nice and warm." - "Min get dada sweatew aftew?", the hybrid confirmed, raising his eyebrow at the other. Jisung nodded, running his hand through Minho's hair. "I told you, you would. Pinky promise, okay?", the rapper smiled. Hesitantly Minho got to his feet and took off the sweater he was currently wearing, agreeing: "Pinky pwomise. Minnie weaw dada sweatew aftew bath time 'cause dada sweatew awe da best sweatew." - "They are? Alright, you get into the tub and dada gets changed, so you can have his sweater", Jisung laughed, pulling away from Minho.

The boy giggled as he played with his bubbles, not even noticing how long his mate had been gone with how distracted he was. Jisung didn't only change his clothes, he also made sure to prepare a plate with a few saltine crackers and a bottle with Minho's vanilla almond milk, so the little would at least have a small dinner before going to bed. Leaving the food on the nightstand, the rapper made his way to the bathroom and hung his sweater on the heater, so it's be all cozy for his mate later. "You ready to let dada wash your hair?", Jisung hummed, "Alright, turn your back towards me and tip your head back a little." Just like he had promised, the caregiver took his time, massaging the shampoo into Minho's scalp and gently rubbing the base of his ears. He was careful enough not to get the shampoo into the hybrid's ears, which the other was really grateful for. His ears were sensitive.

Once Minho was bundled into his towel, Jisung rubbed his hair dry with a towel before slipping the sweater over his head. The little purred softly as he was enveloped in his dada's scent and couldn't stop sniffing the sleeves. Hanging the towel on the hook once Minho was fully dressed, Jisung crouched in front of the other and smiled: "Dada made you a bottle. Some tasty warm milk that won't make your tummy so icky." - "Miwky!", Minho beamed, clapping his hands before hugging his caregiver tightly. "Alright, you want a piggy back ride?", the rapper offered, turning his back to Minho waiting for the other to get on. Giggling softly, the hybrid climbed onto Jisung's back and wrapped his arms around the other's neck. His mate struggled a little to stand up straight but once he had managed, they were on their way. Imitating a siren, Jisung announced: "Out of our way, kitten express coming in fast." He speed-walked then to the bedroom, where he dropped the giggly mess that was his mate on the pile of blankets. "Now, let's get cozy", the caregiver smiled, finally settling in to give Minho the cuddles he was craving.

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