{Chapter 21}

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Catheline's POV:

Lady Daraa looked at me, shocked. I knew that women were not allowed to get involved in such matters. But I had read the defensive strategies of many castles through books and felt that we could do more.

"What do you mean by this?" She asked me, curious for more.

"These attacks...they are happening at unexpected times. Do you not think that something has to be done about it?" I questioned her boldly.

"I do concern me for the King's safety. But he has any say in it. We cannot do anything without his permission," Lady Daraa explained.

If she knew what I had done...I would have to worry for her sanity.

"That does not mean we are forbidden to try. This is regarding the safety of everyone. I just want to help him," I reasoned with her.

"I understand your worries, Your Grace. But you cannot put your safety at risk either," The lady reminded me.

I sighed as it was harder to convince Lady Daraa than her husband. Luckily, I had a small doubt regarding something. Maybe this small suspicion could be enough to convince her.

"The security has been increased and yet someone always manages to sneak in. How could they when there are guards stationed near all of the main entrances?" I explained, staring at her intensely.

Lady Daraa looked at me with a blank expression. "What do you imply?"

I walked a little closer to her and looked right into their eyes with a smile.

"What if there is someone in the castle who is letting them in?" 

She was shocked at hearing it. Her eyes moved away from mine as she gave a thought to it. "That could be true..." She whispered a few moments later.

"What should we do?"

"We do not reveal this to anyone." Lady Daraa replied.

It was my time to be shocked. My face fell as she turned away from me. Was it not enough to convince her?

"Xander has had enough of dealing with the council. We must have proper proof before proposing this idea to him," She let out.

"By that time, it will be too late! We have to let him know, Lady Daraa," I tried to convince her.

Daraa sighed and turned to face me. "We have no time to interrogate all the servants right now and here, Your Grace. And if they were a spy, they could lie,"

She had a point. I sighed and nodded in agreement. "I have my ways to weed out the traitors. It will not disturb the inner peace of the castle,"

Lady Daraa looked at me for a long time, her eyes piercing through mine. She seemed as if she was searching for something in my eyes. I did not back away and stared back at her, trying to assure her that I will not put myself in danger.  She seemed curious about what my plan was but kept quiet.

"Take care of yourself first, Your Grace" she simply replied and bowed.

I nodded and exchanged one last look with her before leaving her study. I had a lot to do now. Karra was outside, waiting for me.

"What happened, Your Grace?..." she asked me as soon as I came out.

"We got to get to work, Karra," I sighed and looked at her. "But we should be in the shadows. No one should know what I am doing,"

For some reason, she seemed excited about it. She nodded vigorously and we started walking. "How can I be of help, Your Grace?"

"You should keep an eye on everyone in the castle. No one is to be left out of suspicion. Just report to me if anyone is behaving in such a way," I  told her seriously.

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