{Chapter 47}

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Unknown Person's POV:

Here I was.

As always.

Standing guard to his study. Like the emotionless sentinel across me. We have been standing like pillars for the past few hours. I just hope someone kills me before I do it myself.

The hallways in this tower were silent and deadly. A silence that could be a killer. Occasionally, we do hear some other noises.

The Duke's son recently had a child. A daughter. I heard rumours that many despised the Duke's good daughter. They said that she may not give him a grandson. What is wrong with these people?

The couple were in their early twenties and the poor woman was already afraid of the hostile environment she received from the workers. She was the daughter of a Marquess, a lowly title compared to a Duke.

Again, we heard the wailing of the child. It was near midnight and this was the only thing that could make me even more furious.

The Duke, however, ignores everything in his household. He had only one son from his first wife. His second wife despised his son, due to jealousy. What did I ever do to receive the position of household guard of Duke Esther? 

My family had been loyal to the Esthers for years, but ultimately, our loyalty is at the service of the King. I told my father that I aspire to be a knight and have an exciting life. Instead, I became a door guard for some man who was going to drink himself to death any time soon.

"Leon," I heard someone call my name.

I looked at the fellow in front of me and raised an eyebrow. One look at his face and I could say that he was held asleep.

"My shift ends now," he says. "I hope you can take it from now on,"

Do I have a choice? "Sure, Rigel. You can go."

I watched the man leave calmly before returning to my thoughts. I loved whatever duty I was put in and wished to do it with full determination.

Ever since the war declaration, everyone had to contribute soldiers and begin their training. This was more than enough to prove myself. I was a competent and skilled fighter, according to the Duke himself.

I could be knighted in battle.

I leaned against the wall, thinking about a glorious future. In my dreams, I was already a well-respected knight. The people cheer my name as I rode across the streets with my horse, Archie.
Perhaps I could even find a lovely wife and have three children as I always wanted. I am very silly and childish.

Archie was my horse ever since I was five. He was given to me by my father when he was just a colt. He has been with me ever since. A fine mount it was. It was as if he could understand my thoughts. It was my one true companion in this household.

Suddenly, I heard loud angry noises. I turned around to see the Duke, held by his furious son.

"Father, I told you to not drink so much!"  Wilford Esther yelled at him. "Look at your state. You scare Cynthia and Lily,"

"Shut up, boy." The Duke whispered to him furiously.

His face was bright red and there was a disdainful look painted on his face. Lord Wilford's eyes landed on me and beckoned me to approach them. I did as I was told to.

"He wants to see something in his study, Leon," Lord Wilford told me. "Please escort him there carefully,"

"Yes, My Lord," I replied politely and took the Duke's hand cautiously. I did not bother how large it was.

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