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"Can you grab the tomatoes from the fridge?" Ace asks me looking up at me quickly as he stirs he onions in the pan.

"Yeah," I mutter as I set down my cup and jump off the counter, walking to the fridge where I open the vegetable drawer and pick out the bag of tomatoes.

"How many?" I ask him.

"Um... 3," he says. I nod and grab 3 tomatoes, washing them off and taking off the sticker. I hand them to him and he thanks me with a smile and a kiss.

I sit back on the counter taking a sip from my cup and skipping the song making a new one start playing.

I watch Ace as he slices the tomatoes, occasionally stirring the huge pot of sauce. We (Ace) was making lasagna and we (Ace) was currently working on the sauce. My contribution has been giving him what he needs, music control and the occasional kiss when I wanted one.

Speaking of a kiss, I want one.

I jump off the counter again and walk over to Ace who was currently cutting up the celery into smaller pieces. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his upper torso, my hands resting flat against his chest.

As soon as my hands touch his chest, I feel his entire body jump led by a loud curse and his body pushing back on mine.

I step back shocked and confused as I try and assess the situation. Ace continues to curse as he rushes to the sink, throwing the tap open and putting his hand under it.

"What happened?!" I yell walking over to him. My eyes water with tears with the shock and I try my best to blink them away to see what was happening.

"I cut my finger," he says turning the water off and grabbing the towel immediately holding it over his thumb, squeezing it hard.

"I'm sorry," I say putting my hand over my mouth as I see a circle of blood grow on the towel.

"Shh I'm okay baby, it's ok," he says walking close to me and resting his head against my forehead.

"Just please stop crying and help me cause I feel like I'm about to faint," he whispers leaning down and very lightly kissing my lips.

My eyes widen and I immediately run and grab a chair making him sit down. Then I reach under the sink where we had a big first aid kit.

I open it and grab the gauze, I hover it over his hand, ready to stop the bleeding.

"Move the towel," I tell him and he moves it looking up at me. I press the gauze against his finger making sure the bleeding was stopped. Once I knew it stopped, I remove the gauze and wet it a bit, wiping away all the blood around it so I could clearly see the cut.

Once I had to clearly visible, I sift through everything to find the right medication and the proper sized bandage.

When I turn back I look up at him and see him smiling softly at me. I do a double take at him making sure I wasn't imaging his smile.

"Why are you smiling?" I ask confused. This man has a huge cut on his finger and he's smiling. Before I can say anything else I hear the sauce boiling making me look over at it.

"Shit," I whisper quickly moving it off the stove and turning the stove off right before it could boil over. I turn back at him and shake my head seeing how this entire night is going to shit in 2 minutes.

"I'm smiling because you're pretty when you're worried," he says smiling even more.

"Shut up," I say trying to hide my smile as I shake my head.

I put some antibiotic on the cut to clean it and wrap a large bandage around it making sure it stays proper.

"There," I say kissing the tip of his wrapped finger.

"Thank you gorgeous," he thanks me grabbing my waist and hugging me, the side of his head rested against my stomach. I run my hands through his hair as he just continues to hug me.

"You wanna continue making dinner?" I ask. He lifts his head and looks back at the pot of sauce that sits on the stove, the bloodied veggies beside it.

"We can just order pizza or something finish the lasagna tomorrow or something," I further suggest.

"No, I promised that I would make my baby lasagna so I'm gonna make the damn lasagna, I'm just gonna need some help which you know I hate so shut up," he says standing up off the chair and walking to the cutting board, throwing everything away and putting the knife and cutting board in the sink.

"Get some celery please," he tells me. I nod and walk to the fridge grabbing the extra celery we thankfully had.

"I'll cut it," I say grabbing another cutting board and a fresh knife, cutting the celery into small pieces. Ace turns the stove back on and stirs the sauce to warm it up again. After I finish cutting the celery, I put it in the sauce and Ace continues to stir.

I grab the lasagna pan and bring it back to the counter. Ace turns the stove off since the sauce was now ready and we could start assembling everything.

I put a little bit of sauce in the bottom and put the first layer of noodles. Then more sauce, cheese, noodles repeat.

"It's cheese now my love," Ace says as he was the one sitting now and I was the one cooking.

"Right," I say removing the noodle I put down and grabbing the bag of cheese.

"You look hot cooking," he says throwing a handful of cheese into his mouth.

"You looked hot too, that's why I was sitting," I smile shaking my head when he grabs a handful of cheese.

"Looked? C'mon baby don't do me like that," he says shaking his head.

"You always look hot but you aren't cooking anymore so it's looked," I say trying to redeem myself.

"Yeah yeah whatever," he says slapping my ass as he walks past me sitting back on the counter.

"How's your finger?" I ask him as I put the lasagna in the oven and close the door, putting a timer for 20 minutes on.

"It's like throbbing but it feels better," he shrugs looking down at it. "I think your kiss fixed it," he says smiling at me. I walk over to him and grab his hand kissing it again.

"I'm all better," he yells throwing his hands up in excitement.

"Remind me to change the bandaids before we sleep cause you're already bleeding through," I tell him pointing to a small red circle already forming on the outside of the bandage.

"Yes ma'am," he says saluting me. He jumps off the counter and grabs onto my waist walking over to the wall where a screen sat. On the screen, he starts playing calm slow music. He dims the light and pulls me by my waist closer to him.

"Dance with me," he whispers resting his head against mine.

I smile kissing him softly as I wrap my arms around his neck. We sway around the kitchen with the soft light above us and the orange and pink sun peeking through the huge windows on the other side of us. I listen to the soft music playing as I admire his features and sway to the music.

"I could do this all day," he whispers.

idk what this is....

hopefully you like it!!

i applied to college in February and we were supposed to get results last week and i haven't gotten anything yet while everyone else is getting theirs now i'm scared

word count: 1324

𝕓𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕚𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤  (A+A) Where stories live. Discover now