Part 13

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There was something about Dean Winchester that frustrated me beyond words. I don't know if it was the cocky grin on his pouting lips or perhaps the way he never seemed to take anything too seriously, except when it came to hunting, but he had gotten under my skin like a nasty rash.

The smirk on his lips as the waitress slipped him her phone number made me roll my eyes, and when he watched as she walked away, I just drank the rest of my coffee.

"You gonna go get Sammy?" I asked, not looking up from my cup.


"Sam? He's about the size of a tree, brown hair, hazel eyes, looks like a lost puppy." I looked up and noticed him rolling his eyes.

"What about Sam?"

"He's been gone for a long while. Maybe you should check and make sure he's alright? We're supposed to be on the road."

"Give him some time. He'll be out in a second. Maybe you should try to let go a little. You don't need to be in control all the time." He looked down at the napkin with the phone number and licked his lips before turning the napkin upside down, and his eyes found mine once again. "Don't give me that look, you know what I mean."

I ignored him and let my eyes sweep the room and guests again. His words stung a bit. Dean sighed but got up and walked over to the bathrooms. I watched as he opened the door. My brows furrowed when I noticed the change in his body language, he tensed up like he was worried. My legs bounced up and down, and I ran a hand over my braid as I hoped Sam wasn't sick.

A second later, Dean looked back at me and nodded his head to the door. I pulled out some money and paid for our food and coffee as Sam and Dean passed me. Sam looked paler than usual, the hair hanging down in his face wet from having washed his face. I followed them out.

"You okay, Sammy?" He was quiet until we got to the car.

"Yeah, I-" He looked over at Dean, who shook his head, silently telling his brother to keep quiet. "I had a vision."

I stared at him. "What?"

"I get these, these visions. It started as nightmares at first, nightmares that came true. Now I can get them while I'm awake as well." Sam explained.

"Did John know?" I could feel my brain work over the new information. Was that what he had been hiding from me, why the subject of Sam was so delicate.

"I told him after you took off."

"What'd he say?"

"He wasn't thrilled we hadn't called about it, if that's what you mean," Dean answered, and I nodded. He'd been mad, which meant he didn't know until then.

"What do you know about..." I searched for a word to use. "Your ability."

"Not much. It started a few weeks before Jess died. Like I said, nightmares at first, migraines, then full-on visions. That's how we found out where the demon was gonna be back in Salvation," he explained. I nodded, encouraging him to continue, casting an eye over my shoulder. "We think it's connected to the yellow-eyed demon somehow. He... He said he has plans for me and children like me."

"Yellow-eyed..? Wait, children like you?" I furrowed my brows.

"Yeah. We met this guy a while back, Max. He... he could move things with his mind," Sam told me, and I could feel my eyes go wide. "His mother died in a house fire on the day he turned six months old."

"Real psyco," Dean commented, but Sam shot him a look.

"So there's more?" I asked.

"I guess." I took a moment to process the information, and we all got into the car.

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