Part 20

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"Did Sam and Dean give you those bruises?" Ballard asked, and I snorted. Those boys wouldn't lay a hand on me.

"No," I told her. I looked over at Jenny, who sat quietly, and then I rolled my eyes. "I hardly think that it's relevant how I sustained my old injuries," I said, deciding to defend myself, even if my lawyer wasn't.

"I think we should stick to the case and your lack of evidence." Ballard eyed me wearily when I continued, talking more than I had all day. "The truth is, you have no murder weapon and no motive. I deny any involvement, and your case against me is weak, it will never hold up in court."

"Miss Price, you were found at the crime scene, bent over Karen Gile's dead body, hands covered in blood," the cop argued. She continued to go over the same evidence she already had against me, the old cases sent by the feds, and how unlikely it was that anyone else but me and Dean had murdered Anothony and Karen.

I leaned forward and rested my head on one of my hands. I needed something to do. My leg started bouncing up and down, and I did my best to concentrate but soon found myself looking up at the ceiling, leaning on my chair.

"I'm sorry, am I boring you?" Ballard snapped, and I looked back at her.

"Yeah, kinda." Ballard and Jenny Heart stared at me, and I flashed a smile.

Someone knocked on the glass from the other side of the two-way mirror. I resumed to leaning back in my chair and examining the ceiling. The white ceiling tiles looked like they'd be easy to move aside.

"Let's take a break," Ballard sighed and gathered her things, leaving the room.

My lawyer left the room after a moment as well, going to get us both coffee. When she walked back inside, she didn't sit back down.

"This is a bit unusual. Dean has decided to confess," she told me, closely watching for a reaction I didn't give her. "He requests your presence. Said he won't do it if you're not there. It seems like the cops are ready to play ball."

"Dean is gonna confess?" I asked skeptically. Jenny nodded.

"Yes. If you agree, they will take you into his interrogation room, and I highly suggest you decline the offer. You need to separate yourself from your accomplices as much as possible." I picked up on her tone and her body language.

"Jenny, your fired," I told her. She stared at me, unsure of what I said. "I can't have a legal representation that thinks I committed the crime I'm accused of when I deny the charges." Two cops pushed past her in the door, unlocking me from the table after I agreed to see Dean. Still with cuffs on my wrists and ankles, connecting to my waist by chains, I walked across the hall to Dean's interrogation room. His eyes lit up when he saw me, and he smirked, cocky as ever.

"Dean, you better shut your..." I began to say but was pushed into the wall by the officer that escorted me.

"You can't be in here if you say another word," Sheridan warned me. I rolled my eyes and sighed as if saying I would listen.

Once again, I met Dean's green gaze. He looked more serious now, trying to convey a message to me by just making eye contact. 

A man walked in along with Ballard, and Sheridan turned to him.

"Counselor? Your boy decided to confess." I looked at the man that had to be Sam and Dean's lawyer.

"Mr. Winchester? I'd advise against that strongly," Kraus told him, but Dean ignored him.

"Talk directly into the camera, first stating your name for the record," Sheridan instructed the hunter, and Dean cleared his throat and looked into the camera through his long eyelashes.

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