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Hello Assalamu alaikum. Do me the honor of pointing out mistakes and typos please. I have a feeling there's one and I couldn't find it.

Thank you.


Marital Harmony...



On a cold November morning Afra's call woke me up from sleep. I slid the green and her piercing shrill took away all the sleep that was left in my eyes.

"I'm a mother Amirah." Afra turned the screen so I could see the baby wrapped in a pure white bundle.

My lips curled into a smile as I stared at the cute little thing.

"She's so pretty Afra. When?" I am really, genuinely happy for her despite our indifferences.

"Five hours ago. Baby wasn't in his mind, he totally forgot that I told him to call you the moment I got into labor." Her eyes glittered as she said that. She said that really? Call me? I felt honored.

Afra seemed happy. So happy.

"I cannot wait to meet her. What are you calling her?"

"We named her after my mother A'isha but we'll be calling her Amirah after some lousy friend I have."

My eyes grew as large as saucers.


If it wasn't for Kamal's hold on me I would've bound off the bed and jump into a series of somersaults that I had no idea how to exhibit.

"Oh my God Afra. Aww," I cooed. "I can't believe you're a mother and I can't believe you named her after me."

Just a nickname. Yeah whatever, I fucking love it!

"A whole me!" Afra squealed.

"How was it?" I asked, giggling.

Both of us were shaking the phones in excitement.

"Oh I didn't feel anything, I was given the epidural so it all just went smoothly. Besides, you didn't tell me that France was this good. I doubt if I'll ever return willingly to Nigeria, I'm trying to reason with Baby. Like, why should we ever come back? I'm content here." She rambled, pausing only to chap her lips in the middle of the sentence.

"France is beautiful. But, living there will mean sacrificing the people you have here at home." Even I won't do that. This says a lot. A hell lot.

She rolled her pale eyes, "Oh please, what do they add to my life? Nothing I tell you. My Ya Jamila only came to visit me once since I got married, Ya Fauza didn't even bother with a visit, Mom's not alive, Dad doesn't have my time and neither do my brothers so why return when I have everything I need and more here? Besides, Baby is considering it and I'm a hundred percent sure that he will be on my side."

She has a co-wife here though.


I stared at Afra over the screen and wondered when our relationship turned to fake. At first, we were nice to each other but ofcourse we had pride running through our veins, over time we just became so competitive it gives me shivers to recall how horrid we both acted over the years we've been acquainted.

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