21|Fate's Explosion

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TheOmoope Husdah for you❤️

Hello Assalamu Alaikum Lovely People

Wait don't scroll. Please do read this.

There are a few pictures that you must load and go through them else you will be completely lost and not understand whatever was in the chapter.

Thanks for you time, Bon Appetit😊.

Watch out for mistakes.


Here Comes Drama...

His Excellency, Dr Adamu Bawa lounged on a recliner in his private estate in Abuja, a copy of the previous day's newspaper in hand and a cup of non-alcoholic wine on the table before him.

He had noticed, these past few days how people compose articles to blacken his name and shame him. Knowing how a person never maintains the status of being the people's favourite for more than a nanosecond he concluded that it was his rivals from the other parties trying to weaken or wreck his whole campaign. He was running for a second term under his party as their gubernatorial candidate for Bauchi state with the hope that one day he'll escalate to much more than that. No one wanted to ever go lower in life.

"Sir, there's a call for you." One of his assistants at the house announced.

"Who is it?" He asked, his voice gruff from lack of speech for quite a while.

"It's your wife, sir." The woman politely replied.

"Drop all calls. Disconnect all the calls that will lead to me in this house. If it's important she'll call my personal line." He muttered the last part to himself wondering how and why people do not understand the meaning of a short respite. He needed a reprieve from all the ups and downs in his life, that was why he left Bauchi a week ago.

Every man needed a moment of tranquil and peace in his life!

The lady did as she was commanded to and alas, he found peace until three hours later at dusk.

Dr. Adamu Bawa read the contents of the message that was sent to his personal line.

It read- If you think you know what you're doing then you should switch on your lines and speak to your goddamn public relations officer.


Only his wife had the guts to speak to him with foul language, just like her daughter did to anyone she so wished. And the woman wasn't even in town, she was away on a trip to her hometown visiting her old healthy father.

"Whatever this is about, it's honestly disrupting my peace." He muttered, grinding his teeth in agitation.

Whyever was his PR Officer needed for? An issue must have arose from Bauchi. He concluded before ordering for his calls to be connected.

The first person he requested for was his Press Secretary, the man knew every news related to the Governor.

"Good Evening Sir. I've been trying to get ahold of you for the past four hours." The man started, his voice coming out rushed as if he was in a hurry.

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