Chapter Ten

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An uneventful week passes, with David and Drea being very nosy with my semi-relationship. I'm not sure if it could be considered even close to that status, though. I haven't had much to update then on this week anyway.

At times I regret the drunken state in which I told them my secret, but I do feel relieved that I have them to talk to now. If only they weren't so annoying.

Before I had someone to converse with, it was eating me up more than I care to admit. Though the thought of knowing something that no one else knew was exciting.

Speaking of excitement, mom and I decided we needed a day out—so she'd given me permission to skip school entirely to get pampered.

Manicure and pedicure appointments have been scheduled and are patiently waiting for our arrival 30 minutes from now. We don't do this often, as a matter of fact, I don't think we've ever gone to the spa together.

I dismiss the concern in my gut as I realize how long I've been staring at the wall.

I'd been thinking of Mr. Halloway for a minute. He hasn't even tried to contact me since I've gotten my phone back. He avoids my eyes in class and finds the most clever ways of avoiding me. The only thing stopping me from showing up to his class after hours is pride and a bit of anxiety.

I rub my arms vulnerably and refuse to sulk on the thought any longer.

Instead, I force my legs to stand from the edge of my bed and carry me to mom's room. I've been waiting for her to come out, but to no avail. I hope she hasn't forgotten.

"Mom, are you almost done?" I ask, knocking on her door and checking the time. There's now only minutes until our appointments.

"Yes, honey, I know." She swings the door open, revealing a flustered look on her face. "I'm just not feeling well today, you wouldn't hate me if I rescheduled?"

I could never be mad at her for canceling, I am however concerned. She's visibly sweating and her skin is beyond blotchy with red patches covering every inch of skin I can see. As many bad days I've seen her have, she hasn't ever looked this sickly before.

Ignoring her previous question, my concern gets the best of me.

"Mom? Are you okay?" I ask hesitantly, my worry growing increasingly fast as she struggles to support herself against the door frame. Her posture went from bad to worse in the short amount of time she's opened the door.

"Yes, I just...I'm not feeling well." Her words are only a little slurred, but her body language proceeds to go downhill.

I fear that she'll fall. And when that fear comes to life, panic claws at my throat. I can pinpoint the exact moment she loses control of her limbs, because it's in that moment she collapses forward in my direction.

"Mom!" I gasp, catching the majority of her weight as she falls right on top of me. Now both of us are on the floor and I have absolutely no idea what my next action will be.

My back is more aware of what's going on than my brain as the impact sends a shockwave of pain throughout my entire body.

A flash of pure panicked confusion is all I can seem to process. My senses are slowed as I catch myself up on what's happening.

It's hard snapping myself to reality, but I manage to force my attention back into the moment and listen for any sounds that will help me figure out what state she's in.

Her breaths are heavy but sound strangled.

Oh god, where do I even begin?

She's completely unconscious and not responding to my movements as I squirm out from under her.

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