The Mystery

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[Gumball and Darwin are at school. Gumball is opening his locker]

Gumball: I think cheese is better than cake, because you can have cheesecake, but you can't have cake cheese.[Gumball opens his locker. Suddenly, a large, wrapped object falls out onto the ground. Gumball gasps. Students all start to gather around the object]

Banana Joe: Ugh! What is it?

Tobias: I don't know!

Leslie​​​​​​​: Ah, it smells like manure!

Alan​​​​​​​: It looks like a rancid burrito.

Gumball: I think it just moved.

Y/N: What the fuck is that?

Penny: Somebody do something![Tobias pokes the wrapped up object with his stick]

Miss Simian: What's going on here? What are you poking? Euugghh! It looks like a wet diaper![Miss Simian unravels the object, revealing Principal Brown, shaved and covered in paint]

Miss Simian: Nigel!

Students: It's Principal Brown![Miss Simian cradles Principal Brown]

Miss Simian: Oh, my sweet Nigel. Who would shave you, paint you, wrap you in toilet paper and shut you in Watterson's locker? Who did this?[Alan, Molly, Leslie, Tobias, Banana Joe, Darwin, Gumball, Penny and Tina Rex look at Miss Simian]

Miss Simian: Who did this?! I want everyone in class now!

Y/N: You're not my teacher and I'm in a whole separate grade, so yea no.

Miss Simian: Now!

Y/N: Ok, if I get detention for missing my class its on you. [Walks into the classroom]

[The students run to Miss Simian's classroom, revealing Rocky, who is cleaning the floor]

Miss Simian: I said everyone![Rocky runs to Miss Simian]

Rocky: Eww, what's that? It looks like...

Miss Simian: We know what it looks like![Scene back to Miss Simian's classroom]

Miss Simian: I'm taking Principal Brown to the nurse's office!

Principal Brown: Nurse...

Miss Simian: Come, Nigel. [Walks away and back] And if the culprit hasn't owned up by the time I get back, you're all in detention!

[Miss Simian closes the door of the classroom, Bobert is seen standing still at stairs]

Gumball: So, what do you guys think happened to Principal Brown?

Sussie: Well, I saw him at the end of school, so it must have happened after that. [Smiles]

Tobias​​: So, who stayed after school yesterday?

Penny: I was doing cheerleader stuff!

Rocky: I was cleaning late.

Gumball: I had detention.

Y/N: I'm not even supposed to fucking be here, I supposed to be in class.

Darwin: I can't remember. [Makes a silly face]

Carmen: So you are all suspects.

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