The Kiss

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[The episode starts with Richard struggling with some luggage as he goes down the stairs]

Richard: We should... really get an escalator!

Nicole: I told you, I already asked Santa.

Richard: Cool!

Nicole: Now, kids, while we're gone, I want you to do what you Granny Jojo tells you.

Gumball and, Y/N, Anais: Yes, Mom!

Darwin: Yes, Mrs. Mom!

Nicole: Richard, those go in the trunk.

Richard: Huh? What does it look like I'm doing?

Nicole: That's the gas tank!

[Gumball, Darwin, Y/N, and Anais laugh]

Nicole: Stop laughing at your father, he tries very hard. [Checks on Richard again] That's the glove box!

Richard: Sorry!

[Gumball, Darwin, Y/N, and Anais laugh again]

Gumball: Mom, I've been talking it over with Darwin, and I think I'm old enough not to have Granny Jojo kiss me on the cheek anymore.

Nicole: Why don't you want your Granny Jojo to kiss you on the cheek?

Gumball: I'm just not into the whole kissing on the cheek thing.

Nicole: But she's your Granny Jojo.

Gumball: So? Can't we just...shake hands?

Nicole: She's your grandmother and you are going to let her kiss you on the cheek! [Walks out of house] Between that and her TV programs that's all she has left these days...

Darwin: I like getting kissed of the cheek. It makes me feel special!

Anais: He's right, Gumball, it's not the end of the world.

Y/N: Just take the kiss and get it over with.

Gumball: Well, if getting kissed on the cheek is so great, how come those two always take off before Granny Jojo arrives?

[Richard struggles with getting the suitcase in the trunk of the car]

Nicole: Hurry, Richard, she'll be here any minute!

Richard: I know, I know!

Nicole: Richard, her bus!

[Richard jumps into the trunk and Nicole drives off. Granny Jojo alights from the bus, scene zooms into her applying lipstick. Gumball groans while Darwin, Y/N, and Anais are looking pleased]

Anais: Granny Jojo!

Granny Jojo: Hello, dear. [kisses Anais on the cheek] Get my bags, would ya?

[Anais goes to get them]

Y/N: Hi, Granny JoJo.

Granny Jojo: Hello my tall dear. [kisses Y/N on the cheek] Help your sister get my bags, would ya?

Y/N: Kay. [Walks to help Anais.]

Darwin: Granny Jojo!

Granny Jojo: Hello, walking fish. [kisses Darwin on the cheek] Where's the blue one?

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