Chapter 6

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Vivan is patiently waiting for his bride while carrying out his part of rituals with at most concentration. He is accompanied by his hyperactive son who has been sitting on his right side... frequently asking him about his mumma's whereabouts. 

Once all the part of grooms rituals are done they asked for the entrance of the brides. He looked at the direction where his sai has been walking towards the mandap along with the other bride his sister in whose dictionary there is no word which meant shy. On seeing his mother golu ran towards her and held her little finger as if it appears that he is walking her down the aisle.

Why not, their son played a major role in bringing his chapter of love to the chapter of marriage. What amazes him the more is his relation with his son. He never dreamt of his marriage and kids as he was always occupied in his profession. Suddenly one day entered a chirpy and strong girl Sai Joshi as a full time Junior resident in his hospital. He still remembered their 1st encounter.... He came out of OT successfully completing an open heart surgery on a single father and walked towards the patient's 7 yr old daughter, while reminiscing her scared and terrified she was for her father. He assigned a nurse to take care of her while the surgery is in progress. He promised her that he will do his best to save her father and he's very much happy that the surgery is successful, however next 24 hrs are very crucial as it determines the recovery of the patient. 

He was worried how to convey and make the kid understand the situation that was beyond her ability to grasp, that was when he saw a young woman consoling and assuring her about her father's health. He was lost in her unknowingly admiring her, he came out of his trance when he felt a hug on his legs. He looked down to find the little girl looking at him with tears and waiting for his words. He scooted to her and told her the best way she can understand about the situation. With the help of the young woman he was able to pacify the child in the best way they could. He thanked her and they introduced themselves, that's how he met Ms/Dr. Sai Joshi.

He encountered her frequently when ever he comes for his patient rounds as she was keeping tabs on the child. These frequent encounters led to their budding friendship. As days passed by his feelings on her deepened without any point of redemption. He decided to express his love towards her. He knew that she doesn't feel anything for him or for anyone else, he still decided to give it a chance despite the outcome. 

He had invited her for a dinner, so that he can express his feelings for her. She did come for dinner, not alone but a goofy ball tagged along with her. He loved that goofy ball who has been checking out him as some stranger danger. He made some advancements towards him as he was attracted to his smile, chubbiness etc but he was royally rejected... how? by not giving him a damn. He didn't get a chance to confess as she was busy handling him and he in admiring them, but the dinner ended with pleasantness and peacefulness. He imagined all scenarios what could be her relation with the goofy such as maasi, bua etc, but the thought of mother and son never crossed his mind. Strangely he want to meet him again.

Goofy tagged along with Sai for the next 10 days. Whenever she had to attend any case he would baby sit him. These 10 days helped him to bond with goofy, their relation progressed from royal ignorance to power nap cuddles. 

These 10 days brought a great change in his behavior, he used to smile frequently as a retard imagining his interactions with Sai and goofy which was noticed by his family. On their persistent attempt to know the reason he spilled the beans, which was received with screaming, smiling and hooting celebration. He decided to confess his feelings no matter what as it was becoming hard for him to be silent and also he received green signal from his family. They literally wanted to ride the hospital for her glance, but he controlled them with a promise to bring her home as his partner.

One fine day he expressed his feelings to her which was rejected instantly. He was dejected and hurt as she denied even to give a point of thought, not only that she started to distance herself from him which didn't settle well with him. He tried to talk to her but in vain. One day he saw her crying holding onto a letter and photo, when he approached her she shun him down as always. Days passed by neither there is a progress in their relation nor he had any chance to meet goofy. 

They say naa our family will observe the changes in our behavior, the same happened with him his family did notice his moody and sad state. On reaching their limits they confronted him and he broke down in his mother's arms. He narrated everything to his family, he even showed them her and goofy's pictures. Looking at her picture his dadu had recognized her and also narrated us about her past. On hearing everything he was mad and angry at CF especially Virat, also sad for Sai and Goofy, he decided to pursue his love with more determination and honesty as she and her son deserves world's happiness.


He came out of the past when he felt a soft hand on his wrist, there sat Sai looking at him with concern and sighed at him questioning r u ok? He took her palm in his and smiled at her indicating he is fine which was reciprocated with a sweet smile. 

It took him almost 4 yrs to reach the situation where they are now. Did he want to give up?... No Did he felt ignored, hurt and sad? starting yes, later on no... as it is difficult for anyone to overcome their pain inflicted upon and insecurities developed due to past relations.... Are his efforts worthy? he looked at Sai whose hand is still in his and her face is shining with happiness and then at goofy who dozed off on his lap....he smiled at peace.... definitely worthy.

The marriage rituals are done he carried his son who dozed off on his shoulder and held the hand of his love, his girl who now officially is Sai Vivan K Salaskar and moved towards his family for blessings.

Later Savan and Samaya couple hugged and congratulated each other. They were joined by Devkit, Moshma and Ravani couple into a big group hug expressing their happiness.

 They were joined by Devkit, Moshma and Ravani couple into a big group hug expressing their happiness

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That's all for today....


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