Ch- 26 Uncertainty in the void

408 26 10

I curl up in the darkness, the sheets are seething, the air is like steam. everything is so fucking hot.

My head spun wildly, the fan spinning above my head going in slow motion every time my vision pans in and out

I barely manage to keep heavy eyes open

How many days has it been since the mall incident?

Was it all a dream?






My phone notifies and alarms rapidly, the battery draining out of it with every spam message sent

Why is my life like this, I was so close..everything was perfect..I was fine..

I think back to the moment



My body freezes completely, chills running down every inch of my skin

My throat feels tight. So tight, I swear I cant breathe

She heard. They all heard. What do I do? what do I say?

do I have to speak?

The world spins around me

I cant look up, I cant face her. I cant face them. I cant do it


I cant breathe


I cant bre

                    a   t



My head throbs horribly refusing to remember the scene

I hold my head in my hands with a tight grip

If only it wasn't for that man everything would've been fine

Useless.. they're all so useless they always get in my king so why..



Am I so miserable.. why is it only me? why isn't their life as fucked as mine? why aren't they as cruel and fucked in the head as I am? why is it always me?

The screen goes on and off with notifications before it halts completely

The noise stops, but the room doesn't feel silent

Why is it always so loud?

I curl up once more, ignoring my aching muscles and bodily needs


Something in me tells me to look at this one. to take one last glance

The light stings my eyes but I turn the phone to myself regardless, noticing the 2% battery its drawing off of

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