Extra! Thank you!!

361 14 4

God 6k reads and 266 votes.. how'd we get here? 

I cant thank everyone who's been reading this enough, at first this was just supposed to be somewhere to throw my unfinished bs, but it turned into an actual ongoing story. And its been fun.. I've had so much fun over these past months, chatting with you guys.. reading comments.. brainstorming.. I've had a blast! So thank you, Thank you so much

Here's some extra information for the future and what might be coming..

season 2 will come out two to three months after season 1 (current season) ends, and as for season 1..it will be ending in 2 or 3 chapters!

Anddd...since I have a thing for art.. I might be making a web comic for season 1 of this series, as practice for something else I might take on the future. Though that's gonna be a looong looooooong time from now, probably close to the end or middle of season 2

Oh and finally..

Some art I made for u :))


 Have a nice day guys, love ya 😌 

(Incase the pictures don't load -->) 

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