Injured Player

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Who knew I would be spending most of my spring break tending to the captain of the football team. My dad was the coach and he had invited over Vixen, the team captain while he was sitting out and resting his poor injured leg.

To be honest mocking him had become one of my new hobbies. The thing is Vixen's parents were out of town, a coincidence? I think not.

I watched as he lounged on my couch with an ice pack on his leg and a bag of chips next to him. It was 5:00 am and I had come downstairs to get a cold drink of water because my mouth was drier than the Sahara desert.

When I came down the stairs and saw this lump on the couch and it moved I almost had a heart attack. I forgot he had basically moved into my living room.

"What are you doing up?" I heard a low voice in my ear. I almost punched the guy.

"Looks like someone's not so injured anymore." I tried regaining my will to live and the ability to breathe.

"Mmm someone woke me up." He wrapped his arms around my waist and that's when i realized he was wearing a gray hoodie and when I looked up at his face his hair hung in front of his eyes.

"Vixen...." I breathed out.

"Yes little one?" He trailed one of his hands up into my hair brushing away some strands on my face.

"You're supposed to be laying down resting." I shook my head and pulled away from him. I grabbed my water and took a big gulp. Trying to calm my nerves.

"If you say so." I watched as he limped a little. I put down my glass and stood by his side before placing his arm around my shoulder and helping him shuffle over to the couch.

"You're helpless." I mumbled. He pulled my face down a little when he laid back down and kissed my nose. I felt my face heat up.

"And you're adorable." He gave me a small smile before adjusting himself on the couch and closing his eyes. Leaving me standing there a deep shade of red and speechless, with a side of breathlessness.

"Dork." I whispered as I kissed his forehead and started to walk away.

"Your dork." Is the last thing I heard before turning off the kitchen light.

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