Star Gazing

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The flowers and tall grass floated and blew softly in the breeze. The sky overhead was dark and filled with small twinkling lights. I heard a grunt behind me and I shot up and saw a figure moving through the grass grumbling about not being able to see.

"You're ruining the mood." I groaned as I flopped back onto the ground.

"I'm not the one who likes to lay down in itchy grass." He grumbled and finally laid down beside me. I looked over at him and his green eyes shone in the moonlight.

"Don't be such a grump." I rolled my eyes and felt him grab me and pull me onto his chest.

"I'll stop when you explain to me why you dragged me out here." He huffed. I pointed up at the sky and he ran his fingers along my arm before kissing my cheek.

"I wanted to watch the stars with you." I said softly.

"You're lucky I love you. Or else I would've dragged you back to the car by now." He chuckled.

"Look!" I pointed up at a shooting star stalking across the sky. After watching it for a few seconds I let go of a breath I had been holding.

"What'd you wish for?" He asked. His breath brushed against my neck.

"For you to be quiet." I teased.

"I wished for a-"

"You're not supposed to tell anyone." I hissed.

"I wished for a certain someone to be dressed in white for a special occasion and then have my baby and-"

"If you're trying to propose this is terrible." I cut him off.

"You're so difficult  sometimes." He rolled over and after some wrestling he was on top of me. His green eyes watched me and he had a smirk on his face. "I love you." He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"You're an idiot." I wrapped my arms around his neck. "That's why I love you." I pressed my lips against his as he pulled me closer under the starry night sky.

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