Chapter 9

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As soon as I crawled into bed I fell asleep almost immediately. It was so comfortable, even though it was small and the sheets were thin, it was so much better than my old room where I only had a pile of dirty old blankets to sleep on.

I woke up the next morning to sunlight coming through the window. I didn't know what time it was so I got out of bed and left the room. I remember where the kitchen was so I headed there and as soon as I did I saw Mary again.

"Good morning dear," she said, and I smiled weakly at her. Some of the other maids were carrying food out of the room, I guessed to take to the main dining room to serve breakfast.

"Feel free to help yourself to some food. Leo told me you needed some clothes so I left some in the servant's bathroom, you can take a shower while you're there too," Mary said, hurrying around. It seemed busy today and I didn't want to be in the way. "Sorry I can't stay any longer, I'm needed upstairs," she said, and with that left to join the other maids who just left the room.

I looked around. It was a big kitchen, but I didn't really know where anything was. I spotted some bread that had been left out so I took a slice. I didn't want to get in the way of any of the other servants so I left, nibbling on my bread. I wasn't a big meal but I was used to not eating much so I didn't bother me.

I made my way to the bathroom to take a shower, where I found there was a towel and a white shirt and black trousers left for me. I recognized it as part of the uniform the male staff wore, except without the blazer and tie.

I turned on the shower and took off my clothes and stepped in. The water was so hot I wasn't used to it. Uncle had been so stingy, he never allowed me to use warm water, so I had to wash myself in the cold. Now though I could wash myself thoroughly without being punished.

After I washed my body and hair I stood under the spray, letting the hot water relax my muscles. Not that I had many muscles, I saw my reflection in the mirror on the wall and noticed how skinny I looked.

My body looked thin and broken, my pale skin was covered in bruises that hadn't finished healing yet, and my eyes looked sad and tired. I wondered how anybody could ever find me attractive. I wondered why I had even been bought in the first place.

I had been avoiding thinking about it all day, but it was a fact that I had been bought by the King family. Even though so far I had been treated well by Mary and Leo, I was still just a lowly Omega, and Omegas were looked down upon in society, we are just considered subservient especially to Alphas.

I didn't even know who my Alpha was, all I know is that he was Mr King's son and it was his 18th birthday tomorrow. Also Leo had mentioned his name was Felix, but that was it. I didn't even know what kind of person he was. It was possible that my new Alpha would be even more cruel to me than Uncle had been. I hoped this wasn't true but the thought stuck in my head all day.

I shook my head as though I was emptying it of bad thoughts and turned the shower off. I dried my hair and my body and put my new clothes on. The shirt looked small when I held it in my hands but as soon as I put it on it felt big and baggy, it hung of my small shoulders and highlighted how frail I was, but there was nothing I could do.

I put my towel in the laundry and tidied up the bathroom. I knew the King family probably had cleaners on staff who would do it, but it was ingrained on me not to make a mess. Once I had done that I left the bathroom. I had nothing to do now and didn't know where to go, so I decided I would explore the mansion and get to know my way around if I was going to be living here from now on.

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