Chapter 11.

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They got in the dining room, and the maids started serving Alex. Eira wasn't used to any of this so she was serving it herself. She looked at him feeling safe.

With that Stefan came inside making her feel a little scared and alot uncomfortable. He had that evil smirk plastered on his face looking at her.

She didn't even glanced at him and focused on eating her food. She was feeling nauseous under his gaze.

"What's wrong Eira?" Alex asked in a whisper. She shook her head and ate a bite.

"I was thinking of keeping reception day after tomorrow. What do you say?" He again whispered to her so that only she can listen. He was ignoring his father as if he is invisible.

"Whatever you decide." She said in a low voice.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded.

He cleared his throat and looked infront. His father was far away from them.

"Reception will be day after tomorrow." He said coldly to his Father glaring at him.

"Oh C'mon boy, you can't show her to the world. Think about what will happen when your rivals get to know about this. She will be dead in weeks." He said with a laugh making Alex to clench his jaw and curl his fingers into fist.

"Mind your own business, if you are not interested in coming then this will be the best news of the week." Alex was glaring at his Father.

Stefan throwed a knife in his direction and he immediately duck down making it fall directly on the ground. Eira looked at Alex with wide eyes.

"You know what, go to hell Father."

"You are gonna regret bringing her and you little beautiful piece of art you are gonna regret marrying him and coming here." He had that evil in his eyes looking at Eira.

Alex got up from his seat furiously slamming his hands on the table making Eira to flinch a little.

"Don't you fucking dare Stefan fucking Jonathon to talk bull shit about my wife." Alex roared in anger. Stefan started laughing looking at him.

Eira slowly kept her hand on his trying to calm him down. He looked at her than at their hands. To their surprise he really calm down a little.

Eira got up from her place and took his hand and started going upstairs. This made Stefan to burst in anger. She took him to his bedroom and gave him a glass of water. He was just observing her getting lost in her.

"Are you fine?" She asked in a low voice.

He nodded looking at those honey brown orbs. She was making him calm. Just by looking at her he was feeling calm and composed.

"Whenever you get angry recite this "Audhu billahi minashaytan nirajim (I seek shelter in Allah from satan ,the rejected)."

He smiled at her making her confused.

"Can you break it and say tigress I'm still new in this." He said politely making her heart to skip many beats.

"Oh yeah sorry."

Alex chuckled at her. She made him read it and he was following her getting a little difficulty in reciting.

"Thank you." She said softly.

"For what?"

"For taking my side."

"That, it is my duty to do that."

She smiled at him.

"Oh yeah, tomorrow we will go for shopping."

"Can I ask you for a favour?"

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