Chapter 20.

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Alex turned off the lights and layed back on the couch. They both were looking at the ceiling in silence.

Alex was burning in anger thinking about everything. If Eira wouldn't stop him he wouldn't have even think for a second to kill him on the spot.

"Alex." She called in a low voice.


"I'm not feeling good."

"Hey what do you mean? what happened?" He asked getting up immediately.

"I don't feel good taking your bed. If you want we can sleep together keeping the pillows in between." She mumbled but as the room was in pin drop silence he listened and a smile crept on his face.

"No, you might be uncomfortable."

"I'll be fine." She replied after a pause.

"Are you sure?"

She hummed in response.

He got up from the couch and went towards the other side of the bed. Eira's heart beat started going at it's peak.

He layed down straight looking at the ceiling.

"Are you fine Eira?"

"Yes." She smiled seeing a lot of change in him.

"You never told the meaning of your name what is it?" He asked after a pause not trying to make themselves awkward.

"In Islam it means 'Gift to Allah' and snow." She replied softly.

"You really are a gift tigress."


"Ofcourse, your parents picked the right name for you. Your fair complexion referred as snow and your presence is a gift. That's a really pretty name."

This made her surprised and she looked beside her. He had a soft smile and he was looking at the ceiling. He looked at her and she immediately looked the other side making him chuckle.

"Why do you call me Alex and not James?"

"Even I don't know about that it's just Alex looks powerful and unique. Don't you like it?"

"I love it, mom gave me that name." He mumbled.

The silence fell upon them just looking at the dark ceiling.



"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure."

"Did you really do that?"

"What?" He was confused.

"The thing your Father said." She asked in a barely audible voice as if she is ashamed to even ask it loudly.

"You mean fucking with his fiance."

"Astagfirullah Alex you didn't need to say out loud." She mumbled.

He laugh loudly and looked beside him with a grin. She wasn't looking at him and if the lights weren't off he would have seen her blushed face in embarrassment.

"I haven't." He replied and she looked at him surprised.


"I haven't tigress. I made it look like that, I gave her the extra money and she acted as I told."

"Why would you do that? Second marriage is not a crime right?"

"Eira that wasn't a second marriage it was cheating. My mother was still alive and she witnessed that many times. Do you think I would see her suffer like that." His tone was calm and gentle

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