Wake up

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As I slowly stirred from my slumber, a sense of warmth and coziness enveloped me and my eyelids fluttered open,


I woke up with a clear head, like how one wakes up after sleeping good and found myself on a soft comfort bed

The softness of the bed beneath me and the gentle weight against my side told me that I was not alone.


Which was a bit odd. I'm not alone? I turned to the side to look as my vision stabled, revealing a scene that filled me with both surprise and a peculiar sense of astonishment.


My brain didn't register it well at first even though I was seeing it with my own eyes.

There he was, my boss, asleep beside me, his arm draped gently over my waist. His breathing was slow and even, and his features were softened in the morning light. It was a sight that caught me off guard, a moment of vulnerability I hadn't expected from someone in his position.


WHAT!?!? Am I still sleeping?? I shook my head and let out a soft chuckle.

Of course, I still haven't woken up yet. Why would I be in bed with my boss otherwise?

I closed my eyes again and tried to wake myself up from my dream but it didn't seem to work


The smile I had on my face disappeared and I shot my eyes open again, and looked down at my tummy.

I noticed his arm around my waist again, this time it processed in my mind.



I looked to the side, following the arm and seeing what it was attached to, then my soul left my body



OH GOD! It really is him!!! I panicked but I didn't know if I should remove his hand and jump out of the bed or just stay there


Why is my boss sleeping next to me?!?!? Why!? What is happening??!? Oh God! Did something happen!?

My heart skipped a beat out of fear


Then I calmed down

Yea, what would even happen? I'm a man for him and I feel so good after waking up, that would not have been the case if something that happened.

I let out a sigh and calmed my body

"Why am I hearing a sigh so early in the morning?"


My soul almost left my body and I shot my head towards Matthew. That is when I realized how awfully close we were. Our faces were only a few inches apart which made my body go stiff and my mind go blank.

A gentle smile graced his lips as he realized our close proximity, and he didn't move to withdraw his arm. Instead, he seemed content to remain exactly where he was, our bodies almost entwined.


Why isn't he moving?!? Why!?!?

"I didn't expect to wake up like this," He murmured and closed his eyes again, his voice low and husky from sleep and I don't know why but I found that so attractive. It made my heart squeal.

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