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I honestly don't know what was going through my mind. I would never pull a stunt like this.


But when his lips came onto mine, I felt my heart flutter, I felt my chest expand and my breath get caught up in my throat.

The kiss started out really soft and it made the butterflies in my stomach go wild! Then I felt it get a little urgent, filled with passion and desire. I could feel his hands come around my waist and hold me tightly, pulling me closer to him as if he couldn't get enough.

I was taken aback by the sudden intensity of the kiss, but my heart raced as his lips ravished mine and I couldn't help but respond to it.

The feeling was so weird yet so good, that I could not describe it in words.

There was a weird electric sensation that rose in my body then and I felt stupefied. Shivers went down my spine, and I felt my knees go weak as well.

Like literally

Gravity did its job and pulled me down because I couldn't keep myself up, and I almost fell


But Matthew's instincts were fast, he caught me before I hit the floor. Grabbing me by the arms, he looked at me with a worried expression, "Are you alright?" He straightened up as he gently made me stand up straight again.

My breathing was a little off along with my heartbeat. There was a tingle on my lips and a tinge of tightness in my chest while I stared back at him blankly.

"Clio?" As he called my name, I came back to my senses.

And that was the moment when I realized what had I done.

My cheeks flushed bright red and my feelings began to overflow with horror

"AH!" And I don't know where I got the sudden strength from but I jumped away from him and stood up, "I'm sorry?" The words just escaped out of my mouth and it didn't even make sense to me.

He stepped towards me, "What? Sorry?"

"Oh! My God!" I shook my head in horror and turned around to run away.

"Clio!" He came after me as I ran into his office and I have to admire his speed. He caught me immediately even though I'm a good runner. I don't have much stamina but I am fast.

He grabbed my waist with one hand and pulled me around making me halt as my gaze met with his.

His hands came to my waist, on either side, and he picked me up and sat me down on the couch's headrest.


Then he trapped me with his arms as he rested his hands on both sides of my hips, "Where are you running off to?" He looked at me with a stern gaze, as if he was offended that I took off.

An alarm blared in my head and I felt dizzy, "Um," I brought my hands to my face and hid my flushed cheeks from him, "I don't know," I peeked through my fingers that covered my eyes, "I'm confused..."

There was a knock on the door.

Matthew stared at me, "Did you not like the kiss?"

My heart skipped a beat, "Um, I don't know but," I gulped, then licked my dry lips, "But I'm a guy..." My voice trembled a little, "Didn't it bother you?"

"..." He paused for a moment, "I don't think I care about your gender," He kept his eyes on me, "But are you really a man?" My heart skipped a beat at his words

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