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"Dinner's ready" Miranda yelled upstairs to her family

"I'll set the table" Tuck came down and kissed his mother on the cheek

"Not if I set it first" Joey laughed and raced Tuck to the dining room

"Why are we running" Ben laughed coming downstairs holding little Pru

"Any reasons the boys are fighting over who sets the table "She raised an eyebrow at her husband

"I may have told them that they gotta carry their weight around the house more and allowance boost may be in their future" Ben chuckled

"When did we start giving them allowances" She asked

"I decided to teach them good money habits so they get an allowance now. It's currently based on chores, grades, and attitude" He smiled

"Attitude" She raised an eyebrow

"I'm raising young men here. They need the right attitude in life. So I reward them when I see what I like and I deduct from their money when I see something I don't. For example, yesterday I told Tuck no video games until the kitchen was clean. I get home from work and the kitchen is not clean but Tuck is playing on his switch. So he lost some money"

"How long have you had that system" She asked

"A few months" He shrugged

"Well, it is working I suppose. They are running to set the table" She laughed

"Even Pru gets an allowance"

"Our 3-year-old" Miranda put her hands on her hips

"I am teaching responsibility here" He kissed Pru's cheek "Right Pru"

"Right" She giggled "What's that"

"Just agree with me kiddo" Ben whispered

"Right" She nodded

"Well, I can't argue with that face. Even if you are being coached on what to say" Miranda tickled Pru causing her to erupt in laughter
They joined the boys in the dining room

"I set the table" Tuck smiled

"I made the plates" Joey smiled

"Only because I put the plates on the table" Tuck interjected

"Oh please boys give it a rest at the table" Miranda laughed

"Boys silly" Pru laughed

"Look even my 3-year-old thinks you're silly" Miranda smiled at Pru

"I'm just saying I deserve that boost" Joey shook his head

"But I have been pulling my weight around before Joey was even here, I believe I deserve the boost" Tuck interjected

"I'm older" Joey looked at him

"Alright, Let's stop worrying about money and just eat" Miranda laughed. They all dug into their meal.

"So how was your day at school boys" She asked

"Pretty good, nothing too out of the ordinary" Tuck shrugged

"I took a more in-depth look at colleges" Joey smiled

"And where are you thinking about applying" Ben asked

"It was a lot to take in. I wanted to look through them with you guys"

"That's okay with me. Make a list of what catches your eye and I'll look over it" Ben smiled

"Our Joey wants to go into the medical field" Miranda smiled. " I told you that you had great potential and could be anything so of course I will go over them with you"

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