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At the Catherine Fox Awards Miranda sat prepared to present the award. But when Catherine got up there and Catherine announced that the award would be presented by someone who had won a Catherine Fox, Miranda was very confused. She had been honored to be asked to present an award at the ceremony. She wondered what changed and why Catherine didn't alert her of this change. When Meredith was called to present instead Miranda's confusion grew

"Why aren't they calling me up there" She turned to Maggie " I took that plane ride from hell just to present the damn award" She aired her frustrations about their very choppy plane ride. As she turned back around she was surprised again to see her husband pulling out the chair


"Sorry I'm late" He kissed her on her cheek. As Grey went on everyone in the room was just anticipating what was about to happen. Who was about to win the award?

"For the first time ever, the award is going to go to a non-surgical project, even a non-nominee" Grey smiled and continued her speech as some people walked on the stage. People that Miranda recognized.

"I taught them" She tapped Ben's shoulder " I taught them at my clinic"

Grey talked about reproductive rights and about a doctor who was fighting for change. Miranda wondered if Addison was about to be called in. This sounded like the work they were doing.

"Dr.Miranda Bailey, we would love to present you with the Catherine Fox Award for your significant contribution to medicine this year" Grey smiled

Miranda couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was being awarded a Catherine Fox. She had merely come to present the award to one of the nominees. She grasped at Ben's shoulder and stared at him in shock. He just greeted her with a wide smile showing the pride he felt for his wife. He leaned over and gave her another kiss on the cheek. She stood frozen in shock until Ben stood up

"Get up there, go" He encouraged her just as she encouraged him

She slowly made her way to the stage in shock. As she stepped forward her hands trembling with emotion, Miranda couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the unexpected honor. She had dedicated her time and energy to her clinic, fighting tirelessly for women's reproductive rights despite the challenges and opposition she faced. As the applause and cheers of the audience washed over her, Miranda felt a surge of pride and gratitude. This isn't why she decided to fight but this reminded her that she wasn't fighting alone.

As she reached the stage tears welled up in her eyes. She felt overwhelmed by the unexpected recognition. When Grey finally handed her the plaque and she stepped before the mic, Miranda stood frozen for a moment, the weight of the honor settling over her like a warm embrace. She glanced out at the audience, her eyes meeting Ben's in the crowd, and she saw the pride and love shining in his gaze.

"oh my goodness. It has been such a long year" She sighed. For a moment all she could do was stand there and cry and stare at her award. Finally, she figured she should offer some words. As the applause swelled around her, Miranda took a deep breath, her eyes shining with emotion. "Thank you," was all she managed to get out her voice barely above a whisper.

After the awards, she was still in shock about the award but she was glad she was no longer crying

"There are people waiting outside to take their picture with you "Ben walked up to her

"Oh no. I ugly cried" She imagined she looked a hot mess. She couldn't go take pictures. " I can't believe I ugly cried in front of the most accomplished surgeons in the world" She shook her head 

As the evening drew to a close and the last of the well-wishers dispersed, Miranda found herself alone with Ben. Still going on about her ugly cry even as they made their way to a hotel room.

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