Chapter 4

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Oh god please ignore if its repeated my computer was being weird when i re-posted this

Luv ya,

Von-Lilith <3

It wasn't until the end of September that Boy had a chance to actually meet his brother again.

He was sitting in the library with Penelope, who insisted that he call her Penny, going over their homework for Arithmancy. In that time, he found out that Penny was very affectionate. Anytime they weren't in class, she pinched his cheeks (lightly), ruffled his hair, or had her arm around his shoulders.

"Alright, Buh-Harry," she said in a mock-stern voice. "What book did you use for that last part? That was not in the class book."

He shook his head, taking an old, dusty book out of his robes-turned-knapsack. "What do I get out of it?" He wiggled the text just out of her reach.

She put on an overly exaggerated pout. "Pretty pretty please? I have some of Honeydukes finest."

Narrowing his eyes, he pretended to think it over. "A whole bar?" The first time he'd ever had chocolate was about two weeks ago. Penny had been studying and occasionally slipping her hand into her pocket, then bringing it up to her mouth so fast that Boy was left confused. When he'd asked what she was doing, she slipped a little square of it into his hand, with a warning not to let the librarian see it. It was the most incredible thing he'd ever tasted.

"Half," she declared.

He handed over the book. "Deal."

"Come on, guys," a familiar voice was saying, too loudly for library etiquette. "Over here is free."

Boy looked up to see Jamie and a few Gryffindors swaggering over to a nearby table. Well, that wasn't fair. Jamie was the only one swaggering.

The others seemed to be basking in his presence.

"I'm so sorry that you're related to him," Penny whispered. "He's such a little prat."

Boy could only shrug. He didn't know either way, having never spent any time with his twin, but he couldn't tell her that. The instant Boy said anything negative about the Potter family, he knew that Jamie would write to Sir. That couldn't happen. He was learning how to be normal, and it was going well. It was something he was not willing to jeopardize.

When the truth about his name came out, he started being hounded on all sides, especially by his housemates. If anything about the Potters was revealed, he would be in serious trouble.

"Chapter twenty-six," he told her. "That's where I got it. There's a lot more information, but I didn't use it because I'd be over the length limit."

"You are an absolute gem!" She squealed, ruffling his hair again. "Even if you are robbing my choco stash."

"I could be persuaded to say a third instead... if you have my favorite." He grinned impishly.

She giggled. "I can deal with that, Buh-Harry. You're the only reason I get that anyway. How can you stand it? Raspberry, coconut and caramel do not belong together!"

He leaned in conspiratorially. "Yes, they do." In truth, he didn't mind taking a smaller amount. Never having gotten sweets before, he still hadn't found a chocolate he didn't like, but only in small doses. That was a lesson he'd learned the hard way. As the bars were pretty large, one third of one would last him almost a week if he had two squares per day, which was plenty for him. He liked to have them after breakfast and lunch. Letting them melt on his tongue, he was able to savor the taste for quite a while.

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