Chapter 3 - Pt.2

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For the next hour, the only noise came from the continuous chanting of spells from Newt.

When he eventually stopped, Newt looked exhausted, sweat dripping from his brow. Magical exhaustion was more than just fatigue, after all.

"Mr. Newt?" Koty asked cautiously, stepping into the room. "Is she alright? Are you?"

"I will be right as rain after a nice kip," he replied, smiling reassuringly. "Unfortunately, the lovely Miss here won't be able to say the same. While her life is no longer in danger from her injuries, she won't be able to fend for herself. The-"

"What?" Koty asked quietly, tears gathering in his eyes. "But she has to be okay! I promised!"

Newt smiled sadly at the little boy and knelt down in front of him. "Would you like me to explain?"

Sniffling, Koty nodded.

"To put it simply, after being confined in such a small space for nearly a year, she hasn't been able to exercise and play, like she should. Because of that, her muscles have atrophied beyond repair. Do you know what that means?"

Koty blinked. He certainly knew what that was, having dealt with sleeping in a broom cupboard for most of the school year. He was always so stiff and sore that it sometimes affected him for the entire day, which only made it worse the following day. It was a painful and vicious cycle. "Yes," he whispered sadly. "I know what it is. Will you be able to do anything to help her?"

"Well," Newt said calmly. "With regular physical therapy, and a little bit of help, she might be able to gain some movement. Now, I don't want you to get your hopes up, Koty. Her back legs won't ever support her weight."

"But... but then how will she gain any movement?" He was crying now, unashamed. He hated seeing anyone or anything in pain. What was she going to do now? How was she going to live? She couldn't survive on her own!

Newt gently wiped away the tears of the little Vílaupír. "I did say 'with a little help', didn't I?"

"Yes?" Koty replied cautiously, not wanting to get his hopes up.

"I happen to be in possession of a hobbled gryphon, who uses a device created years ago by muggles. This device has a supportive frame on wheels. What movement she does regain will allow her a measure of control."

Lucius, who had been talking with Madam Bones, looked up. "How does this device work?"

"Well," Newt began happily, rummaging around his kit. "It is a wooden frame that will be strapped to her hind legs. There is a wheel on both sides. The wheels are charmed to withstand rough terrain, as long as she doesn't try to run too quickly or jump over anything too tall." Newt then asked him to assist in putting it on.

With an awed look on his small face, Koty stared at the device.

When she was all hooked up, she didn't move.

"What's wrong with her, Mr. Newt? She's not getting up." Koty bit his lip nervously.

"There's nothing wrong, little one," he said soothingly. "She just isn't used to it yet. We can help her with that, if you're up for it, of course."

"I am!" Koty cried out, his eyes wide. "I promised to help, and I keep my promises."

In under an hour, they had helped her to understand what the device did and how to control it. Everything had gone smoothly, including the aurors levitating her down all those stairs, (under the close supervision of Madam Bones and Koty) until they reached the grounds near the front gate.

"What are yeh doin' with my Fluffy?!" An angry roar of a voice came from a small (much too small) cabin, just over a little hill.

The contingency stopped, and the cerberus continued making the motions of running while dangling five feet above the ground.

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