Time Management

475 15 21

Inside the megamall that was once thriving with human activity was a metal cave dripping with oil. Built from the mass genocide of the Worker Drones that used to live here, the giant corpse spire that poked through the tall roof was calmly swaying and creaking in the frosty winds as lengthy wires held it in place. 

It was unstable for years but hasn't fallen yet which was a miracle considering the three Disassembly Drones who built the architectural horror. As the saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Yet on the topic of Disassembly Drones and their dark homes, the sun had risen up, forcing each mechanical horror to scamper back to their own corpse spires.

All eagerly sleeping, waiting for night falls and they can get their next fill of deliciously warm oil...

"I thought you had sexual fantasies over paper work, not cheating you wannabe cowboy [BEEP]!"

"How about you cry me an oil river, scrap bot, It ain't my fault you can't see the difference in skill."


Most were sleeping...

In the middle of the corpse spire, in early  days, belonging to the Disassembly Squad of S, T and U were shouts, jeers and cheers with a variety of colourful language. 

The "amazing" T was off lounging atop the couch with a lazy eye open watching the grand competition happening a few meters away.

Her tail idly hanged off the back of the couch, slowly tapping the old material in random sequences.

S was sitting in a cross legged position besides a slightly oil stained white plastic mat. Not that anyone could see her legs due to her dress splayed all around her like petals to a flowers center. 

In her hands was a thin cardboard square with pictures of two hands and two feet, each respectively dubbed "left" and "right" contained in different sections.

Each section was seperated by a black line and had four colours, red, green, blue and yellow with a small arrow in the very middle.

Game basics, flick the black arrow, it goes WEEEEEEEEE, lands on - lets just say - right foot green, players must put their right foot on, you guessed it, green!

The plastic mat has six circles of each colour in rows and the two players must place their [INSERT LIMB] onto [INSERT COLOUR]. 

Last one to fold like an omelette due to their lack of exercise, flexibility, or simply being forced into a [BEEP] position, wins!

Now how's the game go-



A small groan escapes Mallory as his head recoils in pain.

Mallory layed on the plastic mat with a pained and defeated expression plastered on his face. He splayed his arms out as arms gave out moments ago. His tired eyes looking to the roof, sour in yet another loss.

He was unable to keep his core strength strong as he was essentially doing a plank for the 1 minute and 19 second duration of this game. He was on a massive losing streak at the moment, combine that with a sore chest and every game would end with him on the floor.

As he stared up, Mallory listened as taps of metal grew closer to him before he was looking up to a smug face.

"Aww, given up already trash can?" U cooed in a smug-as-[BEEP] tone as she stared down at Mallory.

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