Chapter One-New Leaf

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Chapter One- New Leaf


            I was slinking past my parents’ room, walking on tiptoes across the dark corridor. If they find out I stayed up late again, I’d be dead for sure. I walked carefully, but when my foot touched the ground, it produced the slightest creak. I stopped, willing for the sound not to reach my parents’ room. My mother hears everything even when asleep.

            But another sound made me stay there. My mother’s voice.

            “Then what are you going to tell Addy!? My goodness, Rob, what are you putting your own daughter through!?”

            I froze. They were talking about me. Me.

            “Rebecca, do you think I really want this to happen!?” Dad’s voice rose.

            I stood outside their bedroom. A part of me wanted to go and flee to my room, but another part of me wanted to listen to what was happening. I bit my lower lip, my feet planted on the linoleum floor.

            “This will break her heart, Rob. We recently lost Adrian—she lost Adrian. You know she’s hurting. She needs us both, but what do you do!? You’re making things worse!” Mom’s voice broke and I closed my eyes, sure she’s crying.

            “It will be fine as long as she doesn’t know anything!” Dad yelled.

            Something was up, and they weren’t planning on telling me. It had something to do with Dad. I don’t know what it is, but I know it’s something bad. Something that could really make things worse.

            “Fine!?” Mom gasped out, exasperated. “It will be fine as long as she doesn’t know anything!? It might be fine for Addy, but what about me!? How can I look at you and pretend things are okay!?”

            “Then I’ll leave!” Dad shouted, and I flinched at the word.

            “You are not leaving, Rob. You are not leaving Addy when Adrian had recently left her,” Mom said, her voice stern.

            I can hear muffled footsteps, so I quickly ran to my bedroom on tiptoes, still trying not to make a sound. I did not hear anything. I did not hear anything. I did not hear anything.

            But I did. And it was all I could do not to cry too loudly as I sobbed on my pillow.


            My eyelids fluttered open, and for a second I was confused. Where the hell am I?

            Oh, right.

            I propped myself up and looked around my new room. It is not artistic at all. The colors don’t even blend well. Clean white walls I can live with. A wooden walk-in closet I'm happy to have, which has white doors. But the curtains are green. And the desk is blue. And my bed’s comforter is orange, yet my blanket is purple to make things worse.

            I shook my head and I tried not to groan with the lack of aesthetics. Call me picky, but I want my room to reflect who I am. And I'm certainly not a person with a whirlwind of colors. That’s just me. That’s just how Adria Serena Price goes with things.

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