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I wake up with Jack's arms around me; a slight ache calling from my legs. My body is telling me that I need to get up and stretch. I slowly unfold Jack's arms and roll out of bed. Hell, now my legs hurt even more.

I stretch from side to side and if Jack were to open his eyes, he would think I'm weird. I walk into the bathroom and begin to brush my teeth. I notice the subtly faded red marks of hickeys all over my collarbone and at the top of my breasts.

I smile at thinking about last night. That's totally on my favorites list. Him being rough. I rinse my mouth out after brushing it and return back to bed. There really was no point in doing that, but I know that Jack is going to kiss me once he wakes up.

So, it did benefit me because my breath won't be smelly and it'll at least be pleasant. I just admire him sleeping. His mouth a little open from the soft snores passing through. I skim my hand over his bare abdomen and down to his crotch.

He stirs a little, but doesn't awake. I don't want him to be grumpy if I wake him up, but he most definitely won't be mad if I wake him up this way. I slip my hand into the waistband of his basketball shorts until I reach his member.

I slowly pump him in my hand and his eyes pry open. They fully widen when he notices what I'm doing. A smirk takes over across his lips and I continue my movements. He grabs my hip and moves me closer. I kiss his jaw.

"Naughty girl." He whispers in my ear.

He bites his bottom lip and his eyebrows pull together as I pump faster. This is such an amazing sight. Watching him rip apart at the seams and come undone right beside me. It's even better knowing that I'm the one making him feel this way.

When I feel a warm liquid in my palm and back of my hand, I pull it out of his pants. What a nice way to wake someone up, right? Jack hands moves to my butt and squeezes it while he leans down to kiss me on the lips.

"I could never get tired of you." He truthfully tells me. "And I've come to realize that I love spoiling you."

My eyebrows knit together, "but I don't like you spending your money on me." I quietly say.

"But that's part of the deal." He replies, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

I was hoping for a different answer, but he hit me with the deal. I always forget that this is a deal. I want it to be something more, but we've known each other for a short time, but we've also had sex twice already. I keep quiet about just wanting sex.

I know that Jack wouldn't want more. He doesn't do anything like relationships, but he does romance. I overthink things too much. I should just go with the flow and see where it goes with the whole 'us' thing and how it plays out at the end.

"We should see a doctor soon." Jack suggests. "For contraception."

"What? Why? Why can't you just use a condom?"

"I don't like how they feel and I want to go bare sometimes." He says. "Maybe a just a pill? Or shot so you don't have to do it as often."

"I'll think about it." I sigh.

I don't want to accidentally forget because I'm irresponsible like that, and I can't get pregnant at this age. God knows how my parents will react if I did end up becoming pregnant.

I don't want to be a teen mom, but if it makes Jack happy for me to be on a pill or him not having to use condoms, then maybe. Jack skims his hand down the side over my body, over my boob, making goosebumps rise onto my sensitive skin.

He rests his hand on my thigh, slowly drawing patterns onto it. I feel the sudden urge to get out of bed and wash the sticky substance that's still on my hand.

"You're so beautiful." Jack compliments me, which makes me blush uncontrollably.

I guess I have to get used to being complimented now. From Jack and other people because my sudden change of style.

"Can I ask why your other relationships ended?" I ask, being cautious.

"Well, they became overly attached to the money." He shrugs.

Oh. Well, good thing I don't like him spending money on me. I purse my lips to the side and move further into his chest. He puts his chin on my head and runs my back with his free hand that's wrapped around me. I could lay like this forever.

I move my head from his chest and he look down at me. I smile, sliding my hand up his chest to his face. He bites his bottom lip, watching me intently. I lean up to peck his lips, but he leans down to kiss for longer.

"Camila." He drags out my name.

"Jack." I mock him.

"I owe you an orgasm." He smirks.

"Not right now. Let's do something productive." I say, rolling over to get off from the bed.

I never thought I'd see the day where I'd deny an orgasm. I can tell he's watching me as the shirt that I'm wearing, rolls up while I get up from the bed, showing my laced black underwear. He makes a noise that I don't acknowledge and gets up as well.

"Shower with me." Jack smacks my behind with his rough hand, tittering softly as he walks past me.

I jump up a little and squeal at the unexpected action. Shower with him? That's so... So intimate.

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