Forty Five

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Dominic is meeting me at a mall and Jack was not happy that I was going to see him, but he can't control me. I park in the lot and sit in my car and wait for Dominic to text me when he's here.

The drive was maybe half an hour and I don't know what Jack's even doing today. I receive a text and its Dominic. He's wasting at the front. I get out of my car and then lock it.

"Hey." I say to Dominic when I see him and that catches his attention.

"Hey!" He engulfs me into a hug. "How've you been?"

"I've been good. What about you?" I ask.

"Amazing. I got accepted to UCLA!" He exclaims and I feel extremely happy for him.

The acceptance letters came already? Maybe I should go back to my house to check my mail sometime today.

"Congrats!" I say to him. "Are you doing anything else today?" I change the subject.

"Yeah, I can't hangout for long though, maybe like an hour, an hour and a half." He shrugs. "My girlfriend wants me to take her on a date." He dramatically rolls his eyes.

"Be nice. I sure she's a sweet girl and just wants you to show her that you love her."

"She is a sweet girl. She's amazing." He gushes, thinking about her. "And I do show her I love her. With every chance I get."

I wish Jack swooned over me like this. It'd be nice and it'd make me feel better about myself. I good enough for him. I don't think I'm ever going to feel good enough for him because come on, out of all people, he likes me?

We both continue to talk as we walk inside. I stop at a pretzel place, getting one and so does Dominic. After receiving our food, we sit down at a table to eat it and just talk over things. Get to know each other and everything.

He asked me things like how and when did Jack and I meet. I obviously kept out the sugar daddy part. We talked about our families and he's from a broken home. His dad left his family and his sister went with him.

I feel pity and sorrow from him. I don't know what that would feel like, but I know it wouldn't feel good. I decide to switch the topic and ask him some things about his relationship.

"How did you and your girlfriend meet?" I ask Dom, sipping on my lemonade.

"Freshman year of high school." He chuckles. "I went to a private school and yeah."

"What's her name?" I ask.

"Auburn." He says and I nearly spit out my lemonade, choking on it. "Are you okay?!" He asks, concerned.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I breathe in and out.

Do I tell him what I know? That she used to date Jack and is now fucking around with Sam?

"How long ago did you guys start dating?" I furrow my eyebrows in concentration, my appetite gone from this information.

"Junior year." He replies. "So, two years."

I try doing the math in my head and I swear I'm going to explode. When did Jack say they dated again? He and her dated for 3 years I think and so that meant she cheated on Jack, but then cheated on Dominic with Jack and Sam. Holy shit. This is pure gold.


After hanging out with Dominic, I go back to my car and sit in it, checking all of my messages and still absorbing the fact that he's dating Auburn. God, I'm such a bad friend for not telling him the truth when I had the chance.

I click on an iMessage. Johnson sends me a picture. Being curious, I click on it because he usually sends me funny things and pictures he finds. Jack kissing a brunettes cheek.

[Johnson] maybe you should see this? attachment.jpg

I click on the picture and my heart immediately stops beating. I begin to feel warmer inside the small space of my car.

[Camila] what? When was this?

It could've been a long time ago. No need to get heated and stressed right now.

[Johnson] a few minutes ago it was posted

Oh my god. I don't even want to ask where he found it from and where it was posted on. I grip my phone tightly, biting my bottom lip, frustrated and on the verge of tears. I've only been gone for two hours and this already?

I leave Johnson on read without even realizing it. It's not Auburn because her hair isn't one consistent medium brown color. I sit in my car and take out my phone to immediately dial his number.


"Who are you with?" I ask before he can finish his greeting.

He lets out a nervous laugh, "no one."

"Bullshit. I saw a picture. You're with a girl."

"How did you see it?" Jack asks me.

"Johnson fucking sent it to me! Tell me why you're with her and why she's on top of you and why you're kissing her cheek?"

"Baby, it isn't what it looks like." Jack says, the phone line cutting him off here and there.

I lean my head back in laughter, "you should be an actor. You think you're so fucking slick, but you're not!" I raise my voice at him.

I want to cry so badly, but my anger is building up and that's taking over my sadness.

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