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   ~Mia's Pov~

    This is stupid. They don't have to do all this is will just be a waste of time, energy and effort with all those involved. Why do they think I ran away? Attention? I wish. I ran for the exact opposite reason.

   They told me last night two men in London are eligible and have agreed to a blood test. They plan to fly me over today. By now you may be wondering, where am I? Well I live here in North America. I have switched between the borders of the States and Provinces. Not sure if that made any difference in being able to track me but I managed to hitch hike plenty.

    "Are you ready to leave?" The same woman who dared to giggle at my pain, the same woman who is to blame for my lack of coperation.

   I dont say anything in response, she dosnt deserve one. Plus its not like i can say no. She said it like a choice, like a yes or no question but no is not even close to a option. She already has my small bag containing a change of clothes with some odd items that I kept with me in a small worn school bag. The school bag contained a small notebook, a envelope of pictures and a case of pencils and pens which half are broken or have long stopped working.

I follow her out the door keeping my head low and stare and my brand new boots, they had gone out and bought me somewhat presentable clothes rather than my old torn clothes that barely fit anymore. These clothes consisted of what I am wearing right now. A soft wool long coat with black skinny jeans and boots that have a heel.

Once we step out of the hospital it is quite as I take a breathe of fresh air, well as fresh as you can get in a city. The pollution clogs my lungs and just didn't have the same feeling.

"Airport please" the lady says as she buckles herself in. The cab driver nods as the cab pulls out of its parking space.

We quickly arrive to the large airport in which we speed walk through the crowds trying to find our flight.. Yes the lady is also joining me on the plane. Don't they possible get the hint?

We are the last to bored the plane, nearly missing as we ran and the lady screaming for them to wait to close the gate getting on at the very last possible second.

I get the window seat which also means I am crammed between the wall and the lady who probably did this on purpose science our little argument about how I had preferred the centre seat.

I study the woman purely out of bored as soon as the plane takes flight. I notice a small indentation around her ring finger. I assume it was from a wedding ring or a n engagement ring I can't really tell but the bags under her eyes show obvious evidence of her not sleeping well. I become determined to try and figure out if it was a wedding or engagement ring even though it's none of my business.

  I stay her longer, probably for hours as I find out she has 2 cats, she lives alone and  recently her father has passed away, but then the answer comes clear as day as she is texting on her phone somone names "Laura Kigsten" about a man named Todd who was described with some very colourful words.

   "We will be landing in London soon, please remain seated" a voice comes over the intercom knocking me out of my thoughts as I buckle my seatbelt and I patiently await the descent.

We wait as people file out of the plane slowly it get less and less crowded and I begin to grow inpatient. Soon enough once everyone is off and only new left is us and the stewards who have already brought out their cleaning supplies we go to leave. I swing my backpack up onto my shoulder as I run my hands along the seats as we make out way to the front.

We exit with silence as we quickly make our way through the airport and we are rushed into the back of a taxi and soon enough we are off. All within 10 minuets.

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