I stood in the center of the Flat, I looked around at my surroundings. I stared at "My Father" as he sat cross legged on the small couch with his eyes closed. John had disappeared somewhere off into the kitchen as I heard a kettle go off and glasses being clattered.

"Mia. Tea?" He popes his head out from the corner.

"Yes please" I smile before returning to my observations. This was such an interest place but would soon get boring.

"Don't disturb him, he is off in his mind place again" John muttered.

"Mind place?" I ask as i follow John into the joined kitchen "is it like some kind of hallucination?" I ask.

"Somthing like that" john poured the hot water into the cup and passed it over. I glanced back over to the man sitting on the couch, a man who I never met before but suddenly my life is apparently put into his hands. The whole world can be pretty stupid somtimes, leaving a child into the hands to some stranger... How careless. How dare they say they care.

    "I'll go show you your room I guess... You can sleep in the spare bedroom for now" John places his cup of tea back down onto the counter and slips out of the kitchen into the small hallway and opens a door leading to a small room with a single twin bed and a closet.

The walls we painted dark green as the flooring was a dark wood, the blankets on the bed were a comfy looking light blue quilt with a plain pillow. I set my bag on the bed while reminding myself not to get too comfy as I soon would be leaving.

Just as I placed my backpack on the bed the phone rang and within seconds we heard a yell from the kitchen, "John! We have a case!" Sherlock had yelled as John and I ran out to the kitchen to find Sherlock reaching for his jacket while slamming the phone down on the receiver.

"What about Mia?" John asked.

  "Why take her along as well" he didn't even bother to pause to think. John just pinched his nose bridge as he also went to retrieve his jacket. Meanwhile I still still had my coat on so I followed Sherlock with John directly behind me.

   "The Royal Bank of England please" Sherlock said as we piled into the car with myself being in the middle.

What the hell just happened.

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