18th ☾ Forlorn Destiny

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Our souls breathe the fire from within,

Don't fall and live in our broken dreams.


Forlorn Destiny

After being casually greeted by the other guests, the conversations on the table went along.

I was seated on Esme's left, which was the only seat available on the table when I arrived. As we were eating, she couldn't help but tell me, "You like your hair a bit like the boys, Cassandra?"

"I guess." My hand traced the tips of my hair.

"Grandmother, don't you think she greatly resembles Lancelot's friend? Was it the one yesterday?" Alec, who was sitting on a chair across from mine, asked Esme. He didn't take his eyes off me the whole time. It was truly unusual for a young lady to have this kind of hair, and the fiery red color hadn't been of any help to hush down other people's interest. But solely intrigued as he might be, it was a good start to catch Alec Gaunt's attention.

I briefly glanced at Lancelot. He didn't hear our conversation, for he was sitting at the other end of the long table. He was talking with the young lady in front of him. I felt the slightest pang of jealousy that I wasn't entitled to.

"She sure does," Esme agreed.

"He's..." I said, trailing off. "He's my older brother. He was on his way to Moss. Did he stop by?"

"He came here with Lancelot," Alec said, twitching his eyes, as if suddenly remember a confusing thought. Regaining back focus, he added, "But you two look so alike. I would have easily mistaken you for him."

Carefully observing him, I was trying to guess why Lancelot thought he was Alec Forthwind. I honestly had no clue. One thing that I knew was that I had to keep this conversation going. "It could happen. They said we really look alike. Do you also think the same?"

"Yeah, in almost every aspect. You're also acquainted with Lancelot?" Alec asked.

"A bit."

"Stop with your silly questions, Alec. The young lady is hardly able to touch her food," Esme scolded her grandson. "Let her eat."

"It's alright," I told them.

"Are they to your liking?" Esme asked about the meal.

"Yes, very much," I replied with a nod, finishing my soup. The soup was excellent, and it had been a long time since I had a proper meal like this. My stomach hurled in response with every spoonful, famished and excited at the same time.

"Where you from?" Alec asked.

Where, exactly? That was a hard question. I'd decided to say, "Merillain."

"That's quite a far," Alec said, pausing for a moment. "What brings you here?"

"I was traveling with my cousins. They went to Moss, leaving me here for a bit," I replied, thinking over if my reason would be suffice. I stared at the ring underneath the gloves I was wearing. How much could I tell him, without confirming that he was the person I was searching for? Would it be safe for me to do so? Or was it too early to risk everything like that?

"When will they be back?" Alec questioned.

"They'll be here in a few days," I replied, eliminating the confusing thoughts in my head.

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