All To Come

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We never had that conversation; Jacob was either headed to work, or we were too busy getting ready for school. I let it slide giving him time, I wanted to know, but I didn't want to be pushy either. And after months went by, I also put it on the back burner. I was just into my sixth months, and I had a little baby bump. Jacob had gotten to where he would tell me I was beautiful every day. I thought I looked liked a stuffed turkey when I told Bea this she started calling me butter ball.

It's a Friday, and we set in the lunch room, Jacob and Blake talk about the game that's coming on Sunday night, while Bea and I get into what color we're going to paint the nursery.

"I was thinking about doing it in yellow or green" I'm telling Bea "Maybe even blue because that could be for either."

"It's going to be pink because she's a girl" Jacob puts his two cents in

"You don't know that," I tell him "We haven't gone to see yet."

"I know," he says

"And what if it's a boy," I ask him

"It won't be."

"We'll see about that."

"Why are you dead set against it being a boy" Blake asked, "I mean you already have a girl, it looks like you would want a boy so that your namesake would be carried on after you're gone."

"I do want a boy, but this one's a girl," Jacob tells Blake

I look over at him

"You plan on knocking me up again," I asked him

He snickers

"Besides the last, I heard you weren't sleeping with anyone else," I tell him

"You never know," he tells me

"How are Y'all going to have another one when you don't even share a room," Bea asked

"Yeah, what's the deal with that" Blake asked, "You two live in the same house by yourself's, but yet you don't sleep in the same room."

"Blake" Jacob says shaking his head

"What it's just a question."

"And it's complicated."

"I don't see what's so complicated," I tell him

He just gives me a look; I look away biting my jaw.

"You done," he asked

I look down at the plate I didn't know I had empty


He takes mine and his and heads toward the trash thing, Blake takes his and Bea's up.

"So I take it you two haven't had that talk yet" Bea ask

"No, it's been so busy around the house, and when it's not busy, I'm too tired to talk about it."

"When are y'all going to find out what it is," she asked about the baby

"I go next week."

"Jacob going with you."

"I think so."

"He's going to be heartbroken if it's not a girl," Bea says

"He'll get over it."

"What you think it'll be."

"I have this feeling that it's a boy, but I could be wrong."

"Mother intuition."

"I guess."

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