Chapter 12

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I woke up in a hospital bed, with a hospital gown and a bunch of needles in my arm.

"The fuck?" I cursed under my breath looking around to see Jennifer.

All I remember is fighting with my mom then blacking out. But I saw my scars and remembered, mentally face palming. I'm such a idiot.

"Rose, you're awake!" Jennifer said excitedly. She looked stressed and concerned.

"Yes I am... How long have I been blacked out?" I asked curious.

"Ummmm about, 7 hours?" Jennifer said unsure and smiled slightly.

I sighed and looked around. I felt fine... Then I felt another pair of eyes looking at me and it was Drew.

"Hey look, sleeping beauty has awoken." Drew spoke up smirking.

I looked at him and smiled.

"More like a zombie coming back from the dead." I said laughing slightly.

He shrugged and sat in one of the chairs next to Jen.

"Can we go? And where are my actual clothes?" I queried, I just wanted to get out of here.

"Yea and they are right there." Jennifer said pointing to the nightstand right next to me.

"Oh ok." I said and looked at Drew clearing my throat.

"What?" Drew asked and smiled.

"Get out so I can change." I demanded.

"Yes ma'am." He said sarcastically and walked out of the room.

I rolled my eyes, getting up putting my skinny jeans and taking off my hospital gown. Then I slowly pulled the needle out, biting my lip because it was pretty painful. After that was finished I put on my black sweatshirt and my black vans.

"Hey Rose?" Jennifer said behind me.

"Yea?" I said turning around looking at her.

"I thought you said you wouldn't do you know... That again." Jennifer said pointing at my arm and looked at the ground. I could tell she was tearing up.

"Jen... I'm sorry I've just been so stressed and I didn't know what to-"

"Nevermind just stop... I understand. Look you know the doctors thought you were doing self-harm but I said it was from a beer bottle." Jennifer said looking me in the eyes, "they could of put you in a mental asylum for doing that you know."

"I know Jen. I'm sorry. I hate doing it but it's the only way to-" I got cut off again.

"No it isn't. Will you just tell me when you're thinking about doing it again? Or even suicide just stop alright?" Jennifer said seriously.

"Ok ok whatever." I said shrugging it off and walked out to see Drew waiting.

"Can you drive me home?" I asked Drew. I could get the vibe that Jennifer was pissed and I couldn't drive home now, I'm still kinda thinking things through.

"Yea sure." He said looking at me and wrapped his arm around my waist, that took me aback and I tensed up. But I realized it wasn't that bad so I kept his arm there, putting my head on his shoulder.

We started walking to his car, once we got there I got in the passengers seat and he got in the drivers seat.

"Hey are you ok?" He asked. I was having trouble picking up my phone, my hands were shaking.

"Yes I'm fine." I said waving it off.

"No you aren't." Drew said seriously and took my phone.

"Hey!" I said, "give it back!" I reached for my phone and he just put it in the cup holder.

Then he took my hands and looked me straight in the eyes,

"You're shaking..." he said worried.

"I'm just in shock I guess I'll be fine." I reassured him with my best smile.

"Ok whatever you say..." Drew said pulling away and started up the engine.



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Who's better, Drew or Ash?

Oh god it's so complicated.

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