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John POV

I stared at the packed luggage as my parents were surrounding me. Sherlock hadn't came back to school since he graduated early and headed on to get a degree in whatever. The school year was already half way done with, and I wished I knew where he was. I wanted to find out and skip class just to see his beautiful multicoloured eyes and black curls surrounding his pale skin. I wanted him.

"John, you have to go. The cab is waiting."

I turned and smiled a tight-lipped smile to my mom. "Thanks. Tell Harry that I love her when she comes to see you. I'm sorry I missed her," I muttered as I walked out to the cab.

"John, don't do anything too stupid!"

I laughed as I entered the cab. After telling him the address, I slipped on my headphones and listened to music. Except that it reminded me of him.

"Hey, you mind if I pick this guy up? He seems a little out of it."

I just shrugged. So long as the person didn't want to talk. The cab stopped, and I heard a familiar voice as he gave directions to St. Bart's. I didn't look at him; I just accepted that he was there.


I turned at my name, annoyed at being called until I saw his face.

"Sherlock? You're...I thought you were in London!"

"I am, but I'm not. I've been kinda looking for a place to stay while being with my estranged brother. Father...he doesn't know."

I couldn't smile. I just looked at him. He wasn't beaten up like the last time I saw him. "John, please stop staring," he pled as I looked at the way his eyes twinkled and hair curled and his sharp cheekbones barely kept from cutting him.

"I have missed you. It's been months! God! We haven't talked since the last time I saw you! You wouldn't return my calls or texts! I learned from Molly that you were still alive! Molly!"

Sherlock paled. I just waited for him to sass me or tell me how wrong I was, but he sat there quiet. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to kiss him, run away with him, scream at him, but mostly I just wanted to stay in this infinity of quiet with him and sink in all that he is.

We came to a stop too soon, and the infinity was over. "Sherlock, please call me or at least send a text," I said as he leapt out and paid the cabbie.

"Strange fellow."

I only hummed and continued to the forgotten music blasting.

Sherlock POV

John. All I could this was how he seemed after all those days, weeks, and months of forgotten thoughts. No one knew that I was addicted to drugs or that I was trying to stay alive to keep John happy.

I wanted to spill everything that happened to me until I ran away and got worse on drugs, but it just wouldn't come out. I had no words to say besides: sorry. Sorry has been and never will be good enough for John!

I ignored everyone's glances at me as I walked in the room and went straight to the morgue. Experiments had to be done. John had to be forgotten.

John POV

Jim stared at me across the lunchroom like I was prey. I just shrugged it off and talked to Greg while missing Sherlock's baritone voice. As lunch finished, I noticed Jim getting closer to the table.

"Oh, Johnnnnny!"

I grimaced as he sang my name. Everyone had left the cafeteria besides the two of us and some guy always following Jim.

"What do you want?"

"Sherlock. Simple. You can get him, right? How bout a message with a certain flare to it? Hand your phone over because I have an idea!"

"Why that pompous ass?"

"Easy. I'm bored, and you have a connection with him. Besides, wouldn't it be nice to see him beg?"

I remembered him begging for the pain to end and for me to end it for him. He begged for me to stay and for us to fix whatever we were, but I couldn't end everything for him. I couldn't hand him over to this weirdo like that!


I sighed and handed my phone over. "Awwww look! He's under Sherl that's so typical!" He squealed as he typed out a message. He handed it back with a smile.

"What did you send?"

"Oh, you can look, but I don't advise that. Seb here is antsy."

I rolled my eyes and looked. "Seb" threw himself at me and pinned me to the ground. I just looked at Jim in anger.

"Told you soooooo!"

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