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John POV

I stared at the black car that was to take me back to the school. I sat in and looked out the window that was tinted and colouring the outside slightly. When the car stopped, it wasn't at the school, but it was at some country club thing. What the hell?

I entered to see Mycroft standing inside. "Follow me," he muttered, twirling his umbrella as we walked into a secluded room. "Where the hell is my baby brother? He came in here the day you woke up from being beaten by Jim Moriarty's pet and left."

"I don't know! All he said was that he had to go! Dammit Mycroft! You have so much equipment here, and you reduce to a teenager that's barely doing well in schooling because he's tormented by what he's seen happen to the person he loves!"

He grimaced at that. I just stared at the array of alcoholic beverages. "Help yourself," he muttered.

"Try your father's house. He tends to go there when he feels like being tormented."

"I would if I could step in that house! You realise that I am a twenty-five year old man! I am not allowed in that house! I haven't for a while!"


I drank a glass of brandy and just let it run through me. "Fine. I'll find him if you don't let him get hurt again," I hissed as I got another glass of brandy.

"Thank you John."

My phone started ringing, and I just looked at Mycroft. He shrugged as I answered it. "John, could you please come get me. I...I fucked up so much," he muttered.

"Where are you?"


"Which one?"

"Harry's usual."

I nodded and agreed. "Sorry about that. Harry is drunk, again at a pub. I have to go pick her up," I muttered to Mycroft.

"John, never become a lawyer or actor; you cannot lie. Please, look after Sherlock."

I just nodded and ran out and ran three miles down to the pub. I saw Sherlock sitting at the bar, drinking on a bottle. I walked in and sat beside him. "You okay?" I asked as he turned to look at me.

"John, I need to say somethin."

"Sherlock, let's get you somewhere to rest. You need a bed to sleep in."

"Mycroft's flat. Here. Key. You should know where it's at. Not far from ere."

I carried him out of the building and walked the usually ten minute walk to the flat and throwing him on the couch.

"Here," I said as I thrusted a bucket to him. He smiled softly before vomiting in it. "It's okay."

"John, I love you," he whispered before curling up and falling asleep.

"I love you as well."

Sherlock POV

I had the worst headache when I woke up under covers in the guest room at Mycroft's flat. "Hey Sleeping Beauty," a voice came from the door.

"John? What?"

"Got drunk. You told me to bring you here."

I stared at John. It started to get awkward, so I spoke," How's school been?"

"Dunno. I just got out of the hospital. You know, we are such a messed up whatever we are."

"I know. That's why we didn't work out."

John smiled softly then kissed my forehead. "Maybe we could try again?" He whispered on my hairline. I just nodded. He didn't know the deal I made.
Jim smirked at me as I walked to see the pool. "Be glad you agreed with me or Johnny wouldn't be one piece," he sang as I stopped dead in my tracks.

"You had better not touched John."

"Sherly! I don't like my hands getting dirty! Should know that by now!"

I gulped as his pet Sebastian came out with a grin that could rival the chesire cat's. "What do you want?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"You to die. It's either you or John."

I nodded. John deserves a life better than what I've gotten for myself.

"How far down is it?"

"A lot."

"Can I call John?"

"No. Just jump."


"Just jump along."

"Wait! You have a code don't you? All villains do!"

"Sweetie, I am no villain; I'm the nightmare dressed as a daydream."

A gun shot and blood.

John POV

I walked to the hospital with crowds swarming the body of the jumper. Sherlock laid there without a pulse and any notion of being alive. I couldn't speak or do anything besides feel like this was somehow my fault. I never thought of the number 221 ever again without memories of that insane teenager that stole my heart.

My best friend...and love.

A/N: sorry! The story is about over! I'll try not to cause any tears with it, but I had to. Love!!!!

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