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Chapter 24

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"Should we stop here or keep going?" Hank asked as he slowed down in front of a long driveway that curved behind the trees.

Ben glanced at his watch. "It's after five o'clock, so we might as well see if it's secure since the last few places didn't even have their doors intact."

I suspected that was the code phrase for 'we need to stop before someone lights a match to the tension back here'. Hank obliged and turned onto the gravel driveway, following it until we found a country cottage.

I sniffed the air. "There's another human around here somewhere. From the smell of it, he's been here for a while."

Kal gave me an odd look as he climbed out, as if he hadn't realized zombies could actually smell them. How had he survived this long?

Ben stood up and called out, "Hello! Is anyone here? We're just looking for shelter for the night."

Silence greeted our ears. Perhaps the man was too scared to approach or respond to such a large group. Then again, highway bandits weren't exactly unheard of, and the man might think we were one of those groups.

Ben shrugged. "I guess we make ourselves at home then. Would someone care to check that place for zombies?"

Daniel jumped out of the truck with ease and headed for the house. I also got off the truck and stretched, grateful for more space.

It didn't take Daniel long to return. "It's clear. It's also secure enough that we shouldn't have to worry about zombies breaking in."

Nicky snickered, obviously finding his comment hilarious. I chuckled and saw Nina grin as well. Daniel blinked and half-way grinned at his own unwitting joke. Almost everyone else looked at us like we were crazy.

It took a few trips for our group to haul everything in and pile it in a corner of the living room where we could keep an eye on it. Marissa promptly claimed one of the rooms for herself, Tom, and Liz. Our five newest companions claimed the other two rooms and hauled their stuff in there, leaving the rest of us to share the living room and kitchen. Chloe sprawled out along one wall and chewed on her bone, perfectly content with our latest lodgings.

"We should probably get a fire going," Hank said. "Could you gather some wood, Trinity?"

"Sure." It amused me that he worded his request in such a way that it didn't resemble an order. This guy was definitely a quick learner, especially when compared to some other individuals who seemed to think testing the limits of my temper was a sport.

As I walked to the trees, I paused and said, "Daniel, keep an eye out for company. I'm not sure where the man I'm smelling might be, but his scent is all over the place, so he isn't far."

Daniel nodded and scanned the forest surrounding the house while trying to keep an eye on all of our companions at once. I disappeared into the greenery as I went to find Hank some large pieces of wood. There were enough branches along the tree line for him to get it started.

I collected two big armloads of wood before returning. It should be enough to cook our meal, although I'd have to get more for breakfast. As I dumped my haul by the fire, a strange voice had me looking over to the door, where a rather shabbily dressed man was talking with Ben.

Others were rolling sections of tree stumps and logs over to act as chairs, so I went to help them. Before long, everyone drifted over to sit around the campfire.

Ben was still talking as he sat down, "It's a pretty tight squeeze, but we have room if you want to join us on our way to Ironwind Stronghold."

I reined in my temper before a growl slipped out. He was trying to pick up another stray? What gives? I almost never saw humans during my previous travels, but apparently, the land out here is just riddled with them. And, true to my luck, all of them seem to be on foot and in need of help. I really wish we could make it one day without finding more hitchhikers in need of a ride.

The Virus Within: The Road Ahead (Book 1 - SERIES COMPLETED!)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat