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Chapter 91

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I held the door open as Jess and Nicky carried their dinner plates onto the roof. Daniel and Nina were already here, which was only to be expected when we were this late.

"We were beginning to wonder if something happened," Nina commented.

Jess's face flushed as Nicky sat down with a groan.

"Oh, something happened alright," the redhead began. "Jess didn't tell us that she'd never driven anything besides a car before."

"If the side-by-side was still in one piece and drivable, then her track record is better than yours," Daniel replied, not overly concerned.

"I, umm, got it stuck a few times in the forest," Jess admitted, ducking her head.

"She needs more practice before she drives through the narrow trails where the roots stick up," I said mildly, not mentioning how she had gotten the vehicle so stuck I actually had to pick up the entire thing and carry it back to the trail it had bounced off of. And not just once, but twice.

"There'll be plenty of time to practice," Nina agreed, not realizing the extent of what had occurred, "and I'm sure she'll figure it out in no time."

"Well, the next few times, I'm driving once we reach the forest," Nicky said. "She can drive on the roads and open areas."

"We also need the brakes replaced on that thing," I added. "Someone previously wore them down, and they weren't working well." Which was probably why Jess had problems slowing down before she hit the large roots.

"Huh," Nicky said. "I wonder who that inconsiderate person was."

"I believe that was you," I replied.

"I have a hard time believing that," Nicky said. "My obsession is with the gas pedal and burning donuts. Brakes don't really come into those two equations."

Changing the topic, I asked, "How is the kid doing?"

"Muscle tremors have started," Daniel said, "but there isn't much improvement, even after I left a bowl of blood in the cell."

"Bet that was a mess."

He snorted and shook his head. "That's an understatement."

"Did he at least drink any of it?"

"Hard to say, although he was trying at the end."

"Daniel is going to try squirting small amounts into his mouth with a syringe later tonight," Nina said.

From his grimace, this was not one of his ideas, nor was he looking forward to it.

"You could always have Nina or someone stand against the wall," I suggested. "He'll come to the bars, and when he opens his mouth, you should be fast enough to squirt it in. That way you won't have to pin him. Just don't let the person get too close, or he won't swallow animal blood."

His expression turned thoughtful. "That might work, and it sure beats having to pin him. Especially if part of his mind is aware of what is going on."

Such a tactic would also help keep Daniel in a better mood, which had been my main goal with that suggestion. If the boy was semi-conscious, it'd also be easier on him, so it was a win-win situation.

"That's something even the doctor or other volunteers can do from a distance," Nina said, cheering up. "I know one of the teenagers has a water gun somewhere, and he really can't get any dirtier."

A bowl of blood, an out-of-control child zombie, and linoleum flooring? That pretty much guaranteed a mess I was glad I didn't have to clean up.

"Oh, Nicky," Nina said. "Vic wants you to meet him at the turkey coop after dinner so you can pick out your turkey. They'll butcher it later this week."

The Virus Within: The Road Ahead (Book 1 - SERIES COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now