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When people are stuck in one place finding ways to pass the time can be difficult. Sometimes we pass the day by reading a good book or maybe cleaning our house. If however none of those suffice then we result to playing games such as cards, or maybe even checkers. Games are meant to be fun and not taken seriously, but in Negan's case losing is the worst possible thing to happen to him.

" It's just a game Negan, come on and make your move already. I am ready to win this game, " I exclaim as I try desperately not to laugh.

My opponent instead keeps his hand firmly on his checker piece, hoping for a way out. The lines of his brow become more defined showing he is deep concentration. Small beads of sweat cluster together until they slide easily down his smooth cheek. His cheeks puff with air then deflate with every exasperated breath he releases.

" Give me a minute Hanna, I know if I move correctly I might still win, " he complains.

" Negan, I have four kings and you only have two pawns. There is no way you can win, just give up. You can try and win the next game," I offer.

Negan ignores my words, choosing to concentrate on his next move. His gaze is unwavering as he analyzes the board like a surgeon cutting through skin, not wishing to miss a single option he may have. He knows he will lose but Negan still wants to drag this out.   The mere idea is unfathomable in his book.

Getting tired of waiting I prop my chin in my hand, wishing this to be completed already. My fingertips drum against my cheek, as I let out another aggravated sigh. If I had known he would act like this I never would have suggested we play.

" Ah, ha! I see what I can do!"

Before I realize what he has done Negan has jumps over two of my kings making it to my side of the board in the process. His triumphant smile brightens as he then changes his pawn to a king. The odds are even now making this game way more serious.

" See, I told you if I looked long enough I could get myself out of that situation. I am a genius," Negan states proudly.

His chest puffs out slightly as he squares his shoulders with a sly smirk playing on his lips. His arms cross over his chest showing off his muscular arms. The red flannel shirt stretches slightly as it's thin threads are taut on his firm body. Darn, he is hot. I mean who wouldn't think so?

Okay, no, Hanna. We have to focus on winning. We can't go from winning to losing. That just isn't optional. I need to think and make my next move carefully. Looking at the array of black and red squares confirms I have only one choice. Jump Negan, and win, or move the opposite direction and let him be triumphant. Losing would make me a little bit mad but I would get over it. Negan however, would not be fun to live with if he lost.

The idea of me winning brings a smile to my face, but the thought of him throwing a fit quickly rebuts my thoughts. So with an acceptance of losing I make my final move. My fingers graze over the black piece of plastic as I try to brace myself for his big ego. I slide my king over to the right, allowing him to easily jump me and win the game.

" You will be sorry you made that move baby. I don't think you realize you just freaking lost, " the dark-haired savior taunts.

Picking up his red king, he swiftly double jumps both my kings and wins the game. His signature eerie whistle escapes his lips as he leans back on the balls on his feet. My pride is a little bit perturbed that  I let him win but it's better than the alternative, dealing with a moody man. I decide to be the bigger person and not give in to his childish antics.

" Good game Negan, maybe next time I will win, " swallowing my pride is a bitter pill but worth it when it comes to keeping the peace.

" Baby girl I am hungry after kicking your but. What do you say we eat some food my men brought us? We can celebrate my victory."

His prey .[Negan] Cover Done By @bes135Where stories live. Discover now