Unexpected News Part 2

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The sun is setting behind the trees as I stare blankly into the woods. Gregory and Ezekiel left hours ago, but I still haven't been back to see Hanna. I know leaving as I did was a horrible reaction. Messing things up seems to come naturally on my part. I know I said I would give her child, but I figured that idea was dead when she turned it down. Am I even capable of doing the right thing? Hanna does encourage me to want to try, so maybe I should. She is still pregnant with another man's child too, so I hope in some way that helps her heal. One of those babies is mine and that idea frightened me, so I did what I always do when I can't handle things, I leave. I messed up so badly the first time that I don't know if I could even try once more. Could this be some cruel joke?

Is there some God out there trying to give me another chance to be a dad again only for it to be taken from me? A child is not what I need right now. Kevin will make his move soon and I still have no idea where he is. If he knows about Hanna he will surely want to take her from me. He will see it as his chance at revenge for my past actions.

I can't let him hurt Hanna, but how do I protect her? Do I let her be with her old group? Or do I keep here with me? She will need to be monitored by Carson and she will need good nutrition for her and the babies so I guess she should stay here. If this is some cruel way for fate to make me pay for my actions then so be it. I will fight for my family and for Hanna. Her and my child are my number one priority. Whatever sacrifice I must make I will do it.

Lifting my head I gaze into the empty night sky, it's a perfect mirror of my life before Hanna. A life full of sadness and despair, a never-ending cycle of a meaningless life. Before the world ended my wife and child were my everything, but when I lost both of them, I perished as well.

I decided to live my life with no love or compassion which shaped me into the man I am now. I relished in the suffering of others, mainly because I was anguishing myself. If I can't be happy neither should anyone else. That all changed when Hanna lost her baby.

The deep part of my heart that I had kept buried all these years began to feel again. I remembered the emotions I had from losing my daughter. I couldn't believe I had inflicted that same unbearable pain on her. I knew then I needed to change, but I still am trying to figure out how. I make a couple steps forward then I regress all in the same day.

I hope I can be a better father this time, and keep my child safe. I have enemies on every front wanting nothing more than to destroy all that I have built. Rick wants retribution for the lives I took, and Kevin wants vengeance for the life I stole from him. I don't have any chance of winning this war if I don't find him.

In order to find him, I will need to make a deal with Daryl and Rick. An agreement with them would enable me to find Kevin's base and maybe kill him. If I do, then I could watch my child grow up knowing he or she is safe.

I guess I need to apologize to Hanna first. I did leave without saying anything to her. God knows how abandoned she must feel. I know who could help me fix things with her. I pick up Lucille off the bench, determined to make amends.

Bending my knee I am able to maneuver the small seat and place my feet firmly on the soft ground. Workers part for me as I pass, aiding me in my efforts to find the person I need. I glance around the yard, seeing Simon up head. He is sending out the next group for redirect duty, so I decided to interrupt his little speech.

As soon as the men see me, they all take a knee, with Simon following suit soon after. That's my favorite part of being in charge, seeing my men subordinate to me.

" Simon my man, I need to ask a little favor of you, " I state with cheerfulness.

Simon cranes his neck bringing his gaze up to meet mine.

His prey .[Negan] Cover Done By @bes135Where stories live. Discover now