Fresh Blood, Old Wounds (Part 2)

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A.N: STILL CAN'T USE MY ZALGO! AHHHHHHHHH! There are some sensitive scenes in this part, thought I would put a little warning in. And by the way babyalbinomonkey and ShadowRealm82, I added a couple little things to this part that weren't in the chat thread, but nothing drastic. And this is a long one :D

Nightmare: Kill me. I want you to. *As she says this, she's smiling*

Katherine: VOID! Please don't! Just stop!

Void: Nah. *She smiles* You see Nightmare, I didn't recognize you at first, but now I realize who you are. You were a Raspy hill patient. *Grabs Nightmare's wrist, revealing the numbers 64486273 tattooed in her wrist* And from experience, NO ONE likes being in Raspy Hill. So you know what? *She giggled slightly* I'm gonna send you back there.

Katherine: NO! VOID! PLEASE STOP! *Blinks away tears that formed in her eyes*

Nightmare: All your going to find there is the carnage that I left behind. All the people I killed to escape! How do you think I left?!

Void: *Turns to Nightmare* Oh, I don't mean the real Raspy Hill. I'm talking about the one here. The one I made. And there, you'll never escape. You know why? Because this is MY domain and I control EVERY aspect of it!

Katherine: *Her eyes start to glow purple* VOID. I SAID STOP. YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH NAOMI?!


Nightmare: Why don't you tell her, Katherine? I already know, might as well. *Smirks with her blood soaked smile*

Katherine: *Passes out on the ground, letting Naomi out*

Naomi: I warned you. Back the fuck away from her.

Void: *As she let's go of Nightmare's wrist, she growls and faces Naomi* WHY ARE YOU PROTECTING THEM?!

Naomi: I'll let Katherine explain. Or Nightmare can tell you. I don't give a flying fuck, but you better stop trying to hurt her.

Void: *Smirks* Well, you're too late. *The ground below Nightmare opens, causing her to fall in, the ground closing up after she went through*

Nightmare: *As soon as she's closed in darkness, she started to laugh, hysterically*

Naomi: *Grabs Void's throat tightly*

Void: *Smiles*

Naomi: *Gripping her neck tighter, nearly breaking her windpipe*

Nightmare: *The darkness starts to cause her to go insane, making her become stronger as her sanity drains*

Void: *Gasps for air* You won't... Kill me... y-you can't... I'm your... Friend...

Nightmare: *Starts to laugh louder, letting her true insanity and bloodlust come through as she broke the chains that bound her*

Naomi: *Giggles maniacally* You're Katherine's friend. This is the first time we've met.

Void: *Her smile fades as she can barely breathe* Kat...

Naomi: *Giggles* Bye! *Lets go of her throat as she fell to the ground*

Katherine: W-what happened?

Void: *Passed out on the ground from lack of oxygen as the abyss starts to glitch*

Katherine: V-Void? N-Nightmare?

*The abyss starts to glitch more*

Nightmare: *She let's out a loud demonic scream, somehow breaking the ground from above her*

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