06; wishful thinking

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VI; wishful thinking

Elizabeth met Laura by the gates in a way that had turned into routine for the two. Elizabeth had been early, waiting when she saw Laura approaching with a small smile on her lips. She was a beautiful woman with a wonderfully feminine but tough exterior. Most importantly she was loyal and kind, and always did her best to help out where she was needed.

They were meeting to plan up their trip the next day. Time had passed by quickly for Elizabeth and before she even knew it, a month had gone by and it was time for her to head home. She spent most of her time with her family when she wasn't working, but she made time to visit Negan now and then as well.

Things weren't great, but they were getting better and she felt good in having his company again, even though a big part of what they used to be was missing. She didn't think she'd ever regain it, seeing how Negan was still distrusting towards her no matter what he said. He was considerably colder towards her than she remembered, not that she was very surprised. She was actually baffled seeing as he even spoke to her after what she'd done.

Laura walked up close to Elizabeth, standing in between her legs as Elizabeth sat down on the hood of a car. Laura placed her hands over Elizabeth's thighs, smiling as she kissed her nose. "So, you sure you want to head out?"

She shrugged, but soon after nodded her head. "Uh, yeah. I'm sure, I need to go," she said, nodding her head again.

"You don't need to, come on," Laura spoke, shaking her head with a small crease in between her eyebrows, though her smile stayed. "You could stay, at least over the winter."

"No, I- I need some time to figure some things out, think it'd be best for me to get away a bit for that. I never get time to think around you," she spoke, grinning. "Besides, I miss the others, it's time I go back."

"Mm, you never say that about me," Laura joked, raising her eyebrows for a moment to get a rise out of Elizabeth. The girl chuckled, shrugging her shoulders with a pointed look aimed at the blonde woman, wrapping her arms around Laura's neck and looking her in the eyes.

"Why would I say that to you, stupid?"


"Stop," Elizabeth spoke before looking up to the sky. She placed her hands over Laura's waist, grinning at the girl. "I'm going to have time to miss you a lot before I get back, don't worry."

"Mhm, you better," Laura spoke, holding Elizabeth tight. Elizabeth smiled, hugging Laura and feeling satisfied – Laura smelled of pine and the earl grey tea she always drank, and it was something Elizabeth was comforted by. Laura had turned into her safe spot, no matter how casual their romantic relationship was, the blonde woman was her absolute best friend in the world and she was so lucky they managed to make their way into each other's lives.

It was getting a bit late, and she had some stuff she wanted to do before going to bed. "How about we meet here around six am tomorrow, then you'll be back here around twelve. Sound okay?"

"Sounds great, if that's what you want," Laura spoke, nodding her head. The two of them started walking back towards the town together, slow pace as they went over the trip once again, though it had become a habit for them.

Rick was busy, as was Michonne, and when they insisted on having someone escort Elizabeth at least a bit of the road, they'd quickly realized that their busy schedules would become a problem. Laura had stepped up quickly, seeing as she'd become very protective of Elizabeth over time. Now, the two had been together a little less than a year, but Laura stayed very careful when it came to Elizabeth's travels and even though she'd made the trip many times, the blonde woman insisted on coming the first few hours of the journey.

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