Chapter 02

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It all went really fast, one moment Evie, Jay, Mal, Myra and Carlos were running around the Isle, causing mischief, stealing candy from babies- you know a normal day- the next everyone around them screamed and ran away. Mal, who was holding the stolen lollipop triumphantly in the air, didn't have to look behind her to know who had arrived.  With an annoyed sigh, the purple haired girl spoke up while she turned around. "Hi, mom." Unlike her four friends, the girl didn't seem scared for her mother. 
     "Stealing candy, Mal?" Maleficent asked her daughter after making a dramatic entrance from behind her two henchmen, big staff in her hands and a disapproving look in her eyes. "I'm so disappointed."
     "It was from a baby." Mal held out the lollipop to her mother with a smirk on her lips, knowing Maleficent would approve. Which she did. The witch snatched it from Mal's hand with a laugh.
     "That's my nasty little girl!" Mal was happy with her mom's approval, only to have her smile wiped away when her mother spat on it and pressed it inside her armpit. Myra locked eyes with Evie, who's expression matched the disgust of her green haired friend.
     "Give it back to the dreadful creature." Maleficent ordered one of her servants, who took it and returned it to it's owner, a little boy who got dragged along inside a red cart by his mother.
     "Mom..." Mal couldn't hide her disappointment, she clearly was intending to eat the candy herself. 
     "It's the deets, Mal, that make the difference between mean and truly evil." The witch waved goodbye to the baby's mom before turning her back on them. "When I was your age I was cursing entire kingdoms." Myra tried to suppress a giggle as she saw Mal mouth along with her mothers speech, earning an elbow in her side from Carlos, who shot her a warning glare. Myra just rolled her eyes and lightly pushed his face the other way. The group of friends weren't the only once who had noticed Mal mouthing along, her mother's eyes slightly glared at her daughter.
     "You..." She started with a trace of irritation, before quickly covering it up with a laugh and pulling her daughter towards herself. "Come with me."
     The friends weren't able to hear their conversation as they walked away, no matter how hard they tried. The four could only look at the mother and daughter with fear for their friend. They could never tell when Maleficent was really angry at her daughter or if she was messing around. Before they could decide, the woman threw her hands in the air, speaking up so everyone could hear her announcement.
     "There's news! I buried the lead." Maleficent cackled before pointing at Mal and the others. "You four have been chosen to go to a different school, in Auradon." 
     Shock went through the group, Evie, Carlos and Jay were the first once to react. They turned around and bolted away. It would have worked if it wasn't for the three henchmen of Maleficent who grabbed them. The teenagers struggled to get away, but where no match for the man with more muscles than brain cells. Myra, who was a little slower to react wanted to back away unnoticed, but Mal grabbed her arm and pulled her back to stand beside her. "What?" The purple haired girl asked her mother in disbelieve once the screaming of her struggling friends had died down. "I'm not going to some boarding school filled to the brom with prissy, pink princesses."
     "And perfect princes." Evie spoke up with an eager voice, only for her smile to disappear when Mal shot her a death glare. 
     "Yeah, and I don't do uniforms." Jay said with a short chuckle, "unless it's leather. You feel me?" He held up his hand for a high five from Carlos, who totally ignored him clearly having his own struggle with the news.
     "I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon." He started, nervously licking his lips while stepping closer to Mal and Maleficent. Jay turned to Myra, still holding up his hand hoping she would give him a high five. Only the girl gave him an 'are you kidding' look while shaking her head. "Mom said they're rabid pack animals who eat boys who don't behave." Not able to resist, jay sneaked up on the already scared Carlos and barked in his ear. Which caused the boy to jump. 
     Myra ignored the two boys. "Even worse, I heard they hate rats and poison their food." She said while looking down at the inside of her chest pocket, where her own four weeks old, albino rat was nuzzled up for warmth. As if sensing the girl's eyes on him, Lunch looked back up at her with his little, red eyes.
     "Yeah! We're not going!" Mal told her mother with her hands on her hips. But Maleficent wasn't impressed. 
     "Of course, you're not going! Or at least not all of you." When she was met with a bunch of confused faces, she rolled her eyes and started to explain. "Didn't you listen to a word I said? Four. I said you four. The rat girl isn't invited. She stays here."
     A new wave of shock went through the group. Evie quickly hooked her arm with Myra's. "If she's staying than I'm staying." The girl stated. Carlos, Jay and Mal came standing around her, all agreeing with their friend's words. Jay lay his hand on her back, making Myra look at him with a mixture of fear and confusion in her forest green eyes. Of course she covered that up almost immediately. 
     "Oh, you're thinking small, pumpkin." Maleficent spoke up, grasping Mal away from her friends again. "this is not about some stupid girl." Myra's jaw clenched as she tried to keep her emotions to herself. "It's all about world domination." Before any of them could react, Maleficent ordered her men, daughter, and the three other teenagers to follow her.
     Jay was the one noticing Myra wasn't following. He turned to her and signaled for her to follow, "come on Myra. Gotta keep up." 
     "Naw," the girl responded, stretching her arms behind her head. "If I don't have to hear the crazy speech from that crazy fairy I'm not gonna. See ya guys later." She finished before turning on her heels and walking away. With her back turned to her friends she didn't see the look of disappointment in Jay's eyes as she walked away from him.

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