Chapter 12

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They weren't back in a sec. The Chanel had shut down and there were no new messages or images. Snow White didn't appear again with her big smile and assuming now soaked dress. It had been hours and Myra was the last one to leave Ursula's Fish and Chips. The girl didn't know what to do or where to go. She couldn't bare to go back to the ship. Yes, she had been the second in command, so that ment she was in charge now. But she didn't want to be. She didn't want to be near the ship, or Harry or Gil. Her brain was buzzing with a thousand thoughts and non of them were helping. Myra still had her old house, if you could call a cave a house. But she hadn't been there since she had joined Uma's gang and wasn't planning on going there now. So instead, the girl had made her way to the edge of the Isle. The place where the VK's had made their escape and Uma had jumped through the barrier to be exact. The girl looked around the place. The pipe she had been hiding on while she listened to Jay and Lonnie's conversation. The tire tracks of the car's wheels were still visible in the dirt and if Myra looked closely, so were the little paw prints of Carlos's dog. The girl walked around, taking it all in and trying to process everything that had happened. She had been so close to her revenge, to getting off of the Isle of the Lost, to finally be free. But when it came to it, she betrayed her cousin, betrayed her gang by letting them leave.
     Myra's eyes fell on something glistening in the sand. It was her dagger. The girl picked it up and looked at her eyes in it's reflection. She had dropped it just before Jay hugged her. It had made her realize she had missed them so much. Not just Jay, all of her old friends. But she couldn't bring herself to leave with them when they offered. She wanted to, but leaving Uma, Harry and Gil was something Myra could not do. Especially after hearing what Uma had said to Ben on the ship. Which made it hurt so much more that Uma did leave without her. Beside, there was the mess she was in because of the flute she inherited, but she hadn't thought about that in the moment.
      Tears started to sting in Myra's eyes. More anger boiled up inside her, mixing with the betrayal, confusion and pain. Her thoughts didn't make sense anymore, she wanted to be angry at Uma, but understood why she did it. Just like she still was angry and hurt about the first time the VK's left, but confused to why her emotions took the better of her and let them go. Even worse, she could have gone with them, but choose not to. Was she angry at herself as well? For staying out of loyalty? Out of love for Uma? The young woman was her only family as much as she was concerned. Frustration made the first tears fall and drip on the steal of the dagger, creating two clean spots in the dirt and that's when she started to sing.
     "I've been losing myself in anger,
      So much broken by the rage.
      Nothing could take my mind off,
      How to make them pay."
     Myra put her dagger back inside it's holster.
     "Killing myself for nothing
      And the pain won't go away.
      Losing myself to madness
      And the game's been played."
     The girl turned back around, looking through the barrier. Even though it was still dark on the Isle, she could see the first ray's of sunshine shining from behind Auradon. Making the castle stand out as a big shadow in the middle of the bright colors of the sky. She realized she could have been there, feeling the sun on her skin for the first time in her life, but she wasn't. She was still stuck beneath the shadows of the clouds that never disappeared.
     "If I could turn the hands of time, I would." She sang in a softer voice, unconsciously reaching for the kingdom, but she pulled her hand back and turned around. Power finding her voice again.
     "But here I am!

     "Tell me, why am I still here when it's all gone?
      I'm living with the ghost of yesterday.
      Tell me why am I still trying to hold on?
      I've got to tear it down, to let it go."
     Myra climbed back up the pipe, using the height she gained to jump on a building. Climbing higher until she could look over almost every building of the Isle. Everything was a mess. Some electric lights were scattered across the place, blinking, barely able to keep burning. There were fire's as well, some burning to keep people warm, but seeing the amount of smoke there must have been a bigger fire, destroying even more of the already ruined land. She didn't want this life anymore, a life without safety or certainty, but it was the only life she had ever known.
     "I'm to tired to keep on trying,
      But I'm spellbound till the end.
      Knowing that there's no closure,
      for my wars inside!"
     Myra continued running, jumping from building to building. Not caring about the shouts she got from people who didn't want her on their roofs. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going, but when she realized she had jumped past the Hole, she tripped and fell. Crashing down on a flat roof close by her old hideout, barely able to catch Lunch before he would also crash to the ground.
     "I'm done with good and evil." She sang, letting Lunch crawl back on her shoulder.
     "Only memories left behind." Myra pushed herself back up, standing straight as she stared at the building.
     "I am the one still standing.
      I will live to tell."

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