♕𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞♛

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Jay drove fast not only for their escape but so they could get Vanessa to safety. When they crossed to Auradon Vanessa felt it in her as her magic grew stronger giving her enough strength.

"Avec cette douleur, je ne peux pas supporter de toutes mes forces, je peux guérir."

Vanessa lifted her hand to her hip where her injury was with her voice barely audible before a small glow appeared there catching everyone's attention.

"Finally." Vanessa whispered in relief as the pain and the wound were gone. "Pain, Panic. . ." She called out to her new henchman who turned to her.

"Welcome to Auradon." Vanessa nodded to the window which they smiled at leaning against the window.

As the duo was happy an awkward tension was in the limo as Mal and Ben had an argument before they got on the bridge while Vanessa and Nick haven't glanced at each other once.

Evie and Carlos shared an expression as they realized the tension but they had no idea on what they should do.

Jay got them to Auradon Prep and as soon as the car was parked they all got out of it quickly.

They walked to the little field first and before anything was said Peagus, Phil, and Henry had jumped in front of her.

"Great you're actually here- what in the world happened to you?" Henry questioned his cousin in worry seeing all the blood on her shirt.

"Things didn't go very well." Vanessa looked up to him as she glanced around hugging herself.

"Should've stayed with us." Phil shook his head as he kept eating the food in the bowl Vanessa casted for him.

"Phil." Henry gave him a look seeing the expression on Vanessa's look.

"It's fine. At least Harry got me to safety." Vanessa assured Henry seeing his worry.

"Here's more ice." Pain and Panic rushed to her, handing her ice before Phil and Peagus glared at them about to attack them but Henry and Vanessa stopped them.

"Hold it. Stop." Vanessa stood in front of Pain and Panic as Henry held the other two back while the others looked at them.

"What are they doing here?" Phil questioned as Peagus huffed behind Henry.

"They work for me now." Vanessa answered as Phil and Peagus had a shock expression while Henry looked confused.

"What?" They all questioned while the duo hid behind Vanessa trying to avoid Phil and Peagus's glares.

"They asked me if they could work for me and they promised they wouldn't do anything evil." Vanessa explained to them trying to calm down Phil and Peagus.

"And you believed them?" Phil raised an eyebrow as he ate his food.

"I have no reason not to. They even helped me when I had my wound." Vanessa told him as she gestured to the two.

"Phil it's been years and it's not like they've done anything else on the evil side." Henry turned to Phil trying to help out his cousin.

"I'm only going to be fine with this because of the bowl." Phil sighed as he ate the food in the bowl while Peagus huffed nodding.

"Great because they need a place to stay as well." Vanessa added in as Henry smirked knowing where this is heading.

"No way." Phil shook his head immediately as did Peagus seeing what she was going to do.

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