♕𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥♛

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"I believe we are being challenged." Harry commented to Uma seeing the knight in front of them move. "Let's split up and look for Audrey." Uma waved off Harry as the others beside Uma and Mal noticed what Harry saw.

"That makes absolutely no sense. Unless you give me my ember, she's going to spell you." Mal shook her head before holding out her hand but Harry shouted at them yet nothing got their attention. "Okay first of all that's my ember too and second of all both of you look ahead!" Vanessa stopped both Mal and Uma before moving their heads to look at what they all saw.

"Do you like a prince, Mal? How about a knight in shining armor?. . . Or knights?" They all heard Audrey's voice come from the armor began to move as music began to appear. "Hey! Music is my thing!" Vanessa complained knowing it wasn't her that started the music as she always does.

"Yeah, now isn't the time for this." Henry nudged her as the armor knights started to move which was odd as no one was in them. "Fine." Vanessa huffed as they all started to back up while she glanced back at the girls making sure they were safe.

"Watch your back, watch your back, we can counter their attack, hit them till the armor cracks," Everyone began to sing as they tried to find a way out but it wasn't possible Vanessa couldn't even transport them out. "This could get a little sticky! How to win this battle could be tricky!" Uma sang as she ordered Gil to get them some swords which he ran to.

"But I know the best way, fall back, let me lead. . ." Uma continued as Gil handed Uma, Harry, and Vanessa swords while Uma wrapped an arm around Vanessa pulling her to them. "You hold the line and we'll bring them to their knees. . ."

"Swords in the air if you're with me!" Mal sang moving in front of Uma pulling Vanessa to her side while Jay handed them a sword having Vanessa have two swords. "Yeah!" Jay shouted holding his sword up in the air. "They got us outnumbered one-to-fifty. The victory is ours because I've got a strategy. You take the left and the rest of you can follow me. . ." Mal looked over to Uma before looking over to the boys but Uma pulled her back.

"This is my crew!" Mal sang pulling Vanessa to her, looking over to Uma with seriousness. "Look this is my squad!" Uma hit back pulling Vanessa to her having the girl roll her eyes at the two knowing this is heading to another argument again. "This is my turf." Mal pulled Vanessa back as Uma and her had a glare down.

"Oh my gosh both of you shut up. . ." Vanessa sang as she pushed them apart having Evie move beside her. "Look guys we got bigger fish to fry put your differences aside 'cause now we're on the same side," Evie sang as Uma and Mal hopped off while Vanessa turned back to Evie seeing armor knights behind them.

"Till the night falls everyone!" Vanessa sang as she twirled the swords while Henry went over to Scarlett and Celia to protect them. "We'll stay together till the battle is done! Watch your back, watch your back, watch your back, watch your back! We can counter their attack, hit them till the armor cracks!" They all sang as they tried holding the soldiers off.

"Until the night falls we're aligned. It doesn't mean that we're on the same side! Watch your back, watch your back, watch your back, watch your back! Hit them hard and hit them fast, they're too heavy to react!"

They all fought the knights back as they separated trying to keep them apart not having them together to win this battle.

"The situation is getting kind of heavy! Hold your weapons tight, keep them steady! 'Cause if we stick together we can make it out alive, I will cause a distraction you attack them from the side," Mal sang as she and Uma were fighting some soldiers off. "All my soldiers stand at the ready! We can cut them up like confetti! We'll hit them from the front you counter from behind don't forget the fate of Auradon's on the line!" Uma continued before her and Mal nodded to one another as everyone joined back to the platform.

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