Chapter 8 - Angry Bros

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A/N: this should be the last large time skip for a while, sorry if it felt like it move too fast.

Maddie POV:
Today was two days before my first day of school, I was going to be a sophomore since I skipped 8th grade. Alex and I were driving to the mall to get school supplies. We had the radio on and the station suddenly started playing Firework by Katy Perry. I didn't expect it but Alex started singing at the top of his lungs.


"Wow" I said loudly trying to be heard over his loud voice and the radio turned up all the way.

"Come on sis, you know you want to." He told me and at a certain point I gave in.

"UP, UP, UP AND COULNT CROSS THE SKY SKY SKYYYYYYYY" we both sang at the top of our lungs. When the song ended we started laughing to hard.

"Never knew you could sing like that Alex," I said sarcastically. He make a "pfff" sound and messed up my hair a bit.

"Come on Mads, we're here. What store do you want to go to first?" He asked.

"I think Staples is a good one for school supplies." I replied and we walked to staples. I got your usual three ring binder, pencils, and pens.

"Shouldn't we get stuff for the guys too?" I asked.

"Well they usually use stuff from last year, well that's assuming they actually go to class," he said sarcastically. We both chuckled and headed to check out when a guy that looked to be about 18 or so stopped me.

"Hey baby, what that ass do?" He said in to total f*boy mode.

"Excuse me?" I said disgusted. A second later Alex cut in.

"Bro back of before I beat the shit out of you." He told him dead serious.

"And you are? Her boyfriend?, trust me sweetie you can do better." He told me eyeing my boobs.

"Better like you? Please a fish would be a better boyfriend." I said angrily.

"I'd still be better than this chump, I'd probably have a better d than him anyway." He replied smirking.

"I'm her brother, and judging by the fact your trying to pick up girls in a staples, your d ain't that big." Alex told him grabbing my hand, and pulling me past, not before the guy smacked my ass.

Alex turned around hearing the sound and completely sucker punched him. He fell back on the to display. "Next time you touch my sister like that I'll do way more than just punch you.  Come on Mads let's go." Alex was fuming. We walked back to the car and sat in silence for the rest of the way home.

Once we walked in the door Colton asked why Alex was so upset.

Alex yelled "Some dumbass fucking slapped her ass."

"WHAT?" "IM GOING TO KILL SOMEONE" "WHO? IM GOING TO KILL THEM!" Was heard around the room from my brothers.

They all ran to me "Maddie you okay?" Elias asked me.

"Ya I'm fine, Alex punched him tho."

"Really Alex? This guy slapped her ass and you only punched him. Wtf?" Kade added.

"I'm just going to go upstairs," I said running to my room. I was really uncomfortable, and I didn't want to talk about it.

About a hour later someone came up to my room and knocked.

"Go Away!" I yelled through the door.

"Maddie it's me," Alex yelled.

"I don't want to talk to you." I replied. Not caring, Alex walked into the room.

"Hey, look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you or embarrass you or what ever your thinking right now, it's just. The way he treated you made me sick. You don't deserve to be treated like that." I felt so bad, I couldn't even tell him why it upset me. I wasn't upset at him, I was upset because the guy reminded me of this one person from my old school who used to call me a f*g, because I was gay. The only person I've ever met that was okay with me being gay was my mom. I miss her so much, I used to tell her about all my crushes and people I thought where cute. And it hurt that I couldn't tell them. I didn't know how they would react.

"It's okay, I'm not upset at you." I told him.

"Then why are you upset?" Alex asked me. I knew I just dug a hole I couldn't get out of.

"Nothing. It's fine." I tried to stop him.

"No, it's something. Tell me." Alex was pushing me I could feel my self choking.

"No it's fine please go away." I was tearing up.

"Shit, Maddie I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you." He hugged me and started to whisper in my ear, "If you want to talk about it I'm here." He got up and left.

I spent the rest of the afternoon contemplating telling them. I've wanted to say it since I got here. I hate not being able tell them. They're my family for gods sake.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Sam saying "Hey dinners ready, dads here too, so come on."

I walked downstairs and sat in my seat in between Alex and Maddox. I was eating my dinner in silence, the boys were having their own conversation, laughing, cracking jokes. I was still pondering telling them. It was eating me up. I wanted to tell them so bad. Before I could think, my brain went into auto pilot.

A loud, "Guys I have something I need to tell you" cake out of my mouth. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. God what am I doing. What have I gotten myself into. I froze.

"What is it sweetie?" My dad asked.

I was petrified. I knew there was no backing down now.

"Um, I've wanted to tell you this for a while...." I paused I looked down at my feet and let my auto pilot brain take over.

"IM GAY...."

(A/N: Happy bride bbs! 🌈I don't want anyone to get offended by this chapter. I of all people know how hard it is to come out to friends and family. God I only wish my coming out was this smooth, I was a mess lmao. Not the point. Please excuse all spelling and grammar errors as always, I'm dyslexic. I try to proof read but some slip through the cracks. Love you all!!! ~Lily)

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